Correccion, lo de la tienda en california como que paso. Les mandé un mail diciendoles que como tenia que hacer el pedido, que desde la web no sabia y me han contestado esto:
You cannot do it through on our website, as we do not process
internationally shipment.
What you have to do now, is to give me your shipping address and the
products you would like to buy, then we will send you a quotation of the
total price of the products and shipping by email. Then probably you need to
go to the bank to buy a cashier check or money order( No personal check
accepted!). Once you get it, then mail the payment to us. Upon receipt the
payment, we will ship it out.
Please reply with the shipping address and the product you wish to buy!
Vamos, que les mando e-mail con lo que quiero y mi direccion, ellos manda factura, tu mandas cheque del banco o algo asin[comor?][comor?], y ellos ya si eso te mandan el pedido

. Un poco sospechoso, no?? Y conociendo a los de correos que tienen un sexto sentido para las cartas con dinero y/o cheques... Pos como que no...
A joderse toca :'(