SanDisk announces Cheaper 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo - And Its Coming Out Before Sony's
This doesn't come as a huge surprise given SanDisk's Memory Stick Duo/PRO Duo products have typically been cheaper than Sony's, but they have also announced a 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo.
During a recent press release, SanDisk announced their new line of 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo's. Their version, while maybe not as stylish, are certainly coming sooner than Sony's offering - and for a lower cost as well. SanDisk will release the Duo in March for a retail price of $239.99.
Also worth pointing out is that these cards are in SanDisk's "Ultra II" line, which is geared towards professional photographers. There's a chance SanDisk may also introduce a 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo in their "normal" line. SanDisk's current price structure indicates their "normal" sticks are - on the average - 25% cheaper than their Ultra II sticks --therefore if we apply the same pricing system in this situation, a "normal" SanDisk 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo should go for something like like $179.99.
$179.99! Not too shabby huh?
Gran noticia, parece q por lo menos estas no saldran a un precio tan descabellado, viendo lo q valen ahora las de 2Gb
En la noticia dice q las "ULTRA II" de 4Gb valdran $239.99 y las normales costaran un 25% menos q estas, y eso nos lleva a los $179.99, esperemos q sea asi y las de 2Gb bajen muchooooooooo