hola mande mi consola manipulada pero con la pegatina bien puesta despues de haber utizado el secador y hoy e recibido un email que me ponia que la recibire en un plazo de 7 dias. Mi duda es que como no se bien ingles no se si pone algo en el mensaje de si me la an reparado. El mensaje es el sigiente
Dear xxx xxx xxx
Xbox Customer Support Service Request ID #: xxxxxxxxxxx
Great news, your Xbox console has been shipped and is on its way back to you! You should receive this within the next 7 days.
For your convenience, your shipping information is provided below:
Carrier Name : UPS
Carrier Tracking Number : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You may track the status of your package using the UPS website and the tracking number provided above. There is also a direct link to the carrier tracking at our Repair Status Page. The tracking number may take up to 24 hours to activate.
If you have questions, please go to
www.xbox.com for the most up to date information.
Thank you for your continued patience.
Note: Please do not reply to this message, as it is not a monitored e-mail address.