Savegames Soul Calibour 2 ?

Me gustaria saber donde guarda soul calibour 2 sus savegames para poder trastear con ellos.

Gracias por adelantado. :D
Ande anderaran esos savegames. :-p
Aqui tienes uno del 100% completado


Gracias por tu ayuda ANGEL OSCURO, pero me refería a la ruta exacta donde se encuentran en el disco duro para poder guardar los mios y eso.
Ya he encontrado la respuesta con una aplicacion llamada XBOX saves manager, que te permite hacer todo esto ....

Currently, the software provides the following functionality:

* Lists all game saves which are stored on your XBox
* Lists all game saves which are stored on your PC
* Allows game saves to be transfered from your XBox to your PC
* Allows game saves to be transfered from your PC to your XBox
* Allows you to delete game saves from your XBox
* Allows you to delete game saves from your PC
* Allows you to enter specific information about each game save such as what it does (i.e. all courses unlocked), who saved it (i.e. you), etc.
* Embeds this information, as well as other information, into the game save file so that it can be read by the software / web site
* Allows you to set various program options such as your XBox IP address, your name (so that it can be automatically filled in), etc.
* Includes a connection manager to organize connections to multiple xboxes
* Allows sharing of your saves by posting it on various websites
* Memory Card Support
los saves se guardan en E.\TData y E:\Udata ;) (no recuerdo si en los dos o solo en uno
6 respuestas