SCENE contra BlackStormX (BSX)

segun Xbox-Scenne el blackstormX es un timo. El autor se robo el codigo dee otros launchers.

aqui unas lineas del copy paste.

To be honest, we're absolutely appalled and blown away that any one could do this to us. The xbox scene seemed special before today, each member of it is working together to achieve something, hundreds of members help newbs each day to get to grips with the system, we pride ourselves on sharing, helping and free software. We never expected to see plagiarism on this scale anyware, least of all in the xbox hacking community.
Please don't host this dashboard or send it to anyone.
Please don't hype this dashboard.
Please don't repost what has been placed on their site.
This is infriging our intellectual rights for the hell of it and we aren't happy about it at all. Remember the release of OutRun X (which was taken off Shenmue II). Xbins refused to host that game and the community pulled together to give a one finger salute to the plagerist. We hope this will happen with blackstorm too, and the community we have developed for for so long will help us.
BSX and tHc issue solved *updated*
>> From bobmcgee on about issue with tHc:
Jbone and I have dicussed the grievences found posted on X-S with the dash and have squashed them. It appears that he may have been a little hasty with his judgement of the dash, and I may have been a little sloppy with the documentation. Both of us agree it was blown out of proportion. I have always considered thc friends and am very happy that we have put this behind us. Who knows what is possible if we can work together?

In order to rectify any things I may have overlooked unintentionally with documention, I will do a thorough run through of all code in the dash and give them credit for anything I left out. As for the color patcher, zogo will have to address them himself.

Now lets smoke a bowl and move msdash hacking forward.

Note1: the original claim was posted on the official tHc website - not on xbox-scene - and quoted on as we posts all news homebrew teams release. Teams control who/what they allow to post on their website news not us.
Note2: Original claim (tHc) and original reply (BSX) are removed from xbox-scene news as there's no need to keep it if issues are solved.

Ya todo esta solucionado [ginyo]
un gran pleito en un solo día.... [carcajad]
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