ScummVMx 0.6.0

Incase you didnt know, the newest games that are supported in 0.6.0 release are:
- Flight of the Amazon Queen (released as freeware)
- Broken Sword 1 and 2

New things added to this XBOX port:
- Screen calibration (LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER+RTHUMB)
- Take screenshots as PNG format (LTHUMB)
- SAMBA support, but doesnt work very well with big games :(
- Type numbers for copyprotection (hold LTRIGGER and use the DPAD)
- Save game names will be DATE/TIME as default
- Errors and warnings and other debug message are logged in debug.txt
- G Drive support (Partition7)
- OGG/Vorbis audio is now supported
- Gzipped savegames (zlib)

Lo acabo de probar con el Broken Sword en español y funciona de fábula :)
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