ddf escribió:SDLoader v.1G with trucha Signer (By RooT)
A simple and easy tool to reduce the development time in homebrew.
- Requires:
SDGecko or similar (
http://www.sdgecko.com, http://www.sockrocket.com/wii/). Any mod that uses the memory card slot of Game Cube to access the SD should be fine.
- How it works:
We must burn the included ISO and copy to the root path of the SD card the loader.dol, this executable does a copy to the root called main.dol automatically, the included .dol is the MP3Player, the other two .dol files are the famous Tetris and Genesis Emulator.
- Known Bugs:
There are several bugs associated to the SD use due to the libogc library that we're suffering, but with a correct installation or an original SDGecko this shouldn't happen.
(Associated errors are read errors, like -5 and -1 in the SDCARD_Read, errors opening files or random errors at the moment of read/write in the SD. I repeat, the solution is repeat the process until it works (I really should solder correctly that wires or buy something that really works...)
- Limitations:
There's a limitation in the executable load of 8Mb, this means that once stored in memory, if the executable is bigger than this limitation, this will not work. It's really easy to fix it, but actually we're not going to develope anything so heavy.
Another loader limitation is that it requires some free memory blocks to work, if we store our .dol in a way that it overlaps the block where the loader is stored (0x81000000), it'll also give an error. ;D
-New Releases:
* Will let user choose different executables.
* Will increase the performance of the .dol loader.
* Will suport .elf files
* Will let 'reload' the hombrew. (Once our application finishes, it'll let reload the loader without rebooting the Wii)
- Credits:
Basically me: Root
(ddf in EOL), dhewg due to his indirect help with the problems of the invalidated sections and Waninoko for creating the first ISO for me, also thanks to xt5 for freeding the Trucha signer, wihout it, this shouldn't be available.
And to all Wii comunity...