X07 officially canned, UK event announced
Posted in Events, Xbox 360 by James Temperton on July 19th, 2007 at 15:43
Yesterday we reported that X07 has been cancelled. Today we bring you official confirmation of that straight from the Microsoft mouthpiece along with some rather intriguing details of a new event in the UK that will be ‘taking its place’. Details for you next.
Microsoft have today officially confirmed that X07 has indeed been cancelled:
“I can confirm that we are not hosting an X0 event this year”, a Microsoft spokesman told IGN. “We review how we demonstrate our fantastic games and gaming experiences every year, and this year we have decided to highlight blockbusters like Forza 2, Bioshock, Mass Effect and of course Halo 3 on an individual basis rather than have one large event.”
However, in its place, the UK will be getting another event. A report on GI.biz quotes the following from a ‘Microsoft spokesperson’:
“We’re looking at doing something here in the UK. It will be from a UK point of view, not from a European point of view.”
Apparently the timing for the new UK event is “still to be confirmed”. However it will be taking place sometime “before Christmas”. More on this soon hopefully.