Se escuchan disparos fuera del capitolio de USA

Acaba de suceder, de momento no hay mucha informacion sobre cual es la procedencia de los disparos.

Este es un tweet de alguien que lo ha escuchado:
SpitOnLinE escribió:

Este es un tweet de alguien que lo ha escuchado:

Lo sentimos, ¡esa página no existe!
"Reuters' Mark Hosenball reports from a source: The person involved in the incident was a woman. Initial reporting inside the government indicates that she tried to crash through barricades and get into White House complex. She then fled down Pennsylvania Ave in a car. She crashed by the Capitol. She was shot and killed by Capitol Police. One policeman was injured in the car crash, not by shooting. First responders were attending to her when she died."

Esto es lo que ponen en la noticia...

todo muy raro.. una mujer que se la pega con el coche.. o que queria entrar en el capitolio en coche? en fin... es raro de cojones....

A mi me funciona :-?

Female suspect in U.S. Capitol shooting killed by police -U.S. Official
The incident, which sparked a lockdown of Congress, began when the woman tried to ram through security barricades outside the White House.

The official said a Capitol policeman was injured when the car driven by the suspect crashed outside the Capitol.

Han matado a la mujer, que en principio intentaba entrar en el capitolio.
crazy2k4 está baneado del subforo por "Flamer"
lo que no pase en USA....
a ver si tenemos mas datos en las proximas horas
6 respuestas