Se puede cargar homebrew SIN SD?

Hola, pues eso, aqui en el foro no encuentro nada y googleando dicen que si, que a partir del HBC 1.0.2 ya se carga desde el usb, el caso es que yo tengo el ultimo (1.0.6) y no me detecta nada en el usb, estoy copiando en el disco (particion FAT32) la misma estructura de directorios de una SD que si detecta bien.
Hago algo mal o simplemente no se puede?
Extraido de wiibrew:

Loading from USB

Files and folders on your USB storage device must be structured in the same way that they would be structured on an SD card for use with the Homebrew Channel. For example, you must have an "apps" folder on the root of your USB storage device with sub-folders containing an executable, meta.xml, and icon.png for each homebrew application. Any specific homebrew instructions related to file and folder placement on and SD card also apply if you are using a USB storage device instead.

Your USB storage device should be plugged in before loading the homebrew channel, but it is not required. If you do not have it plugged in when the Homebrew Channel is loaded, simply plug it in and then bring up the Homebrew Channel menu, then select the "Reload" option.

Notes: At this time, loading applications from USB is considerably slower than loading from an SD or SDHC card. When reading the applications to display from the "apps" folder of a usb device, an SD card icon will appear even though it is loading from USB. If you have an sd card inserted at the same time as a USB storage device, the SD card takes priority and apps from the USB device will not be shown even if there are no visible apps on the SD card.

Asegurate de no tener la tarjeta SD metida ya que toma prioridad sobre el dispositivo de almacenamiento USB, incluso si no hay aplicaciones en la SD.
Cargo sin la SD metida, le doy a 1 en el wiimote, pincho en "Dispositivo USB" y se cambia por "Dispositivo US" ( :-? ) pero en el HMC no aparece nada de nada, incompatibilidad del disco duro? (carga juegos bien desde el uloader).
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