RTG confirma que el 30 de julio en el
SIGGRAPH 2017 estara presente la RX VEGA y haran una presentacion.

https://mobile.twitter.com/Radeon/statu ... 93/photo/1https://mobile.twitter.com/radeonhttps://www.eventbrite.ca/e/amd-capsaic ... 5520337285RTG|AMD
Experience the art of the impossible in person at AMD Capsaicin SIGGRAPH 2017.
On July 30, learn about our newest additions to the Radeon™ family featuring the cutting-edge Radeon™ “Vega” architecture. Hear from our partners on how AMD’s product lineup is revolutionizing the creative pipeline, leading industries from entertainment to engineering into a new era of precision and performance.
Register by July 25th, as seats are extremely limited for this exclusive presentation and make sure to show up early to secure a good seat.
6:30PM PST - Doors open
7:30PM - 8:45PM PST - Formal presentation
8:45PM - Midnight PST - Demos and reception
AMD will have a booth located at #301 on the SIGGRAPH exhibition floor, where visitors will be able to see professional workflows powered by Radeon Pro graphics products.
Pimera review e VEGA FRONTIER
RTG pone un valor agregado a la VEGA FRONTIER, ahora se puede activar el GAMING MODE con lo que el controlador de video ajusta valores para optimizar el GPU en juegos.
De esta manera se tienen dos modos de operacion optimizados segun el tipo de tarea que se vaya a realizar con esta VEGA frontier.
** RADEON PRO MODE, para usar en software de produccion y desarrollo.
** GAMING MODE, para usar en juegos.
https://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics- ... led-ReviewThe Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 16GB Air Cooled ReviewFinal ThoughtsLooked at solely through the lens of a professional user that is only tangentially interested in gaming, AMD can claim the product to be a success. For $999 the Vega Frontier Edition offers high levels of performance in some of our tested workloads from SPECviewperf, LuxMark and Cinebench. Our testing obviously isn't comprehensive due to time constraints, but it is a good indicator that AMD was right to target this product and this price at that kind of user. But Vega FE does well in these cases not because of the raw power of the GPU, but rather because NVIDIA has gated the performance between GeForce and Quadro. Regardless of how or why, the truth resides in the numbers. But that also is true for gaming use cases...the truth resides in the numbers.
For some users, the AMD Radeon Vega Frontier Edition graphics hardware represents a professional level of performance at a lower price that utilizes the AMD software ecosystem. For others, it is simply a bellwether for the coming Radeon Vega consumer graphics cards. For the gamers out there, reading this and hoping to be uplifted and excited about the RX Vega product, it’s a tough sell, no getting around that. There is still potential for the hardware, despite the much higher power consumption that it requires over competitive GeForce options, if the Radeon Technologies Group is willing to price it to make an impact. We still have 4+ weeks to wait and find out, and for AMD to come up with its plan to bring Vega to the gaming market.
For now, we will continue to plug away at the Frontier Edition hardware to see what we can learn between now and then.
En cuanto al render CGI
Con 3DSMax.

Con Maya.

Imagenologia medica.



Juegos, pues realmente no es su fuerte, pero se entiende ya que no esta enfocado como mercado principal.
@Okamura Rin,
@moroterParece que AMD esta tan satisfecho con la idea del DATA FABRIC en la arquitectura ZEN; tan asi; que ahora RTG usara un sistema similar; INFINITY FABRIC; en la arquitectura GCN de VEGA.
https://www.overclock3d.net/news/gpu_di ... ric_tech/2Ahora el GPU VEGA tendra ligado su rendimiento directamente con el ancho de banda del BUS DE DATOS INTERNO de la VRAM, y como HBM2 tiene un ancho de banda descomunal, los cores de VEGA no se veran ahogados con esperas para enviar o recibir datos/instrucciones/texturas con la VRAM [¿cero cuello de botella?] como paso con las Fury, donde el ancho de banda interno del GPU Fiji se quedaba muy por debajo del ancho de banda de los chips de memoria HBM con lo que tenia un cuello de botella.
Esto de INFINITY FABRIC ¿podria ser una manera de conseguir un mejor rendimiento en Computo Heterogeneo [CPU+GPU] y ser una extension del sistema hUMA [usado en los APUs]?
O ¿sera solamente el comenzar a crear la infraestructura necesaria para; lo que parece ser; el proximo paso en diseño de tarjetas de video con GPUs modulares?