Buscando por el google me he econtrado con la primera review de este juego esperado por mi muy mucho

desde que hace un par de añitos vi un vídeo in game del mismo, que me dejó bastante sorprendido.
A review for Galleon™ has just been published in Computer & Video Games, the world’s longest running games magazine and one of the most respected. This review was positively glowing, really showing that the game is worth its weight in Gold… highly appropriate as Galleon™ has been awarded a score of 92% and a Gold Award! Check out these press quotes taken from the review - to read the article in full, be sure to check out the newsstands where Computer & Video Games magazine will be on sale.
"The equivalent of the summer's biggest Oscar-winning blockbuster, it's breathtaking and destined to become an adventure classic. Totally unmissable."
"Galleon's a golden nugget of gaming excellence."
“One of the most essential videogame experiences of the moment”
"Varied, fast, challenging and electrifying. Galleon is bloody amazing."
“Proof that the best things really do come to those who wait”
“The sense of exhilaration is unlike almost anything else you’ve felt in an action game.”
“Spectacularly smooth and fast”
“So incredibly believable you’ll swear you’re watching a Pixar movie”
“The puzzles are as varied and imaginative as any found in The Wind Waker”
EDITO: Acabo de encontrar la página de la review:
Y parece ser que, a pesar de todo este tiempo de desarrollo, sigue siendo bueno y no es un caso como Malice. Alguien lo ha probado ya y puede verificar lo que cuentan sobre él en esta review? Como ya he dicho, se supone que está a la venta desde ayer, eso si, sólamente ha salido en inglés
Un saludo y gracias.