› Foros › Noticias › El Buffer
Yup, you read right! drk||Raziel has just announced that he will be taking on the task of porting the NullDC (DreamCast) Emulator and the pcsx2 (PlayStation 2) emulator onto the PS3 system. Here are some words straight from the devs mouth, err, keyboard :/
Well, sometimes you just can’t get free from your projects as easily as you want to. So, seeing as there wasn’t much interest in nulldc’s source I started to work at it again ! (And yes, of course it will remain open source).
So, I’m officially again working on nullDC! There’s a bank of ideas on the wiki on what I plan to do. We’re also planning to get the project side back up and stuff.
Leaving that aside, I’d also like to ask for donations. The project hasn’t really asked for donations so far (except specific cases, like the Pandora port that required hardware to be brought). As I’m running quite low on money I’ll open up donations for the project.
Donated money will be used for: Getting a ps3, porting/working on nullDC/pcsx2 for ps3, getting a jtag’d xbox to port stuff to it, and finally to pay for server/misc hardware fees.
Well I guess that sums it up for now. If you would like to help this project out, then check out his blog.
Source: drk.emudev.org
<el_apren> dreamcst on PS3 with filter and fullspeed ?? is my dream men..xDDD
<drk||Razi> heh
<drk||Razi> actually, if we get a proper sdk (thats the hard part) its gona be real easy to port it ;p
<drk||Razi> since it runs on wii
<drk||Razi> that has very similar arch
<drk||Razi> :>
Edy escribió:PFFFFFFFFF .... si, pero no les quedan sopas para hacerlo funcionar decentemente. Primero que hagan lo tipico, emuladores de NES y sucedaneos. Cuando estos ya funcionen que miren de hacer filigranas ... porque aun no se emulan decentemente consolas de la epoca de las 32 bits ... como para meterse con pesos pesados, .......... solo les faltaba decir que miraran de hacer rular los de Xbox 1.![]()
firewire escribió:Bueno, si consiguen emular bastante bien la PS3 y PS2, hasta yo me compro una PS3 que no la necesito para nada.![]()
el_aprendiz escribió:Pues e enganchado a Raziel en el IRC y mira que me a dicho:<el_apren> dreamcst on PS3 with filter and fullspeed ?? is my dream men..xDDD
<drk||Razi> heh
<drk||Razi> actually, if we get a proper sdk (thats the hard part) its gona be real easy to port it ;p
<drk||Razi> since it runs on wii
<drk||Razi> that has very similar arch
<drk||Razi> :>
Vamos que por lo que parece portar cosas a PS3 en coser y cantar xDDD
el_aprendiz escribió:Pues e enganchado a Raziel en el IRC y mira que me a dicho:<el_apren> dreamcst on PS3 with filter and fullspeed ?? is my dream men..xDDD
<drk||Razi> heh
<drk||Razi> actually, if we get a proper sdk (thats the hard part) its gona be real easy to port it ;p
<drk||Razi> since it runs on wii
<drk||Razi> that has very similar arch
<drk||Razi> :>
Vamos que por lo que parece portar cosas a PS3 en coser y cantar xDDD
Lechuso escribió:En un futuro seguramente se pueda emular la Wii con el chupachups, y a este paso la 1ª Xbox, pero si se puede emular el resto. .. N64, PSX, DreamCast. . .tela tela tela tela![]()
Carlos A. escribió:Lechuso escribió:En un futuro seguramente se pueda emular la Wii con el chupachups, y a este paso la 1ª Xbox, pero si se puede emular el resto. .. N64, PSX, DreamCast. . .tela tela tela tela![]()
Yo veo tela de complicado ver un emulador decente de PS2, pero es que el de Wii ya no te quiero ni contar.
Un saludo.
Letsee .. oh wait, it cross compiled ! *yay* for uber portable code ;p
Interpreter only / underclock 4x / no pvr rendering / no audio / no input
Bios intro runs fine, then gets on the clock dialog screen. YAY !
Setting the path to /app_home/
nullDCe/ps3 v1.0.0 pre-1 (built Sep 9 2010@01:05:30) starting up ..
Config file parsed!Loading settings
Loaded settings
Loading plugins!
drkpvr: Using Software
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin"
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin"
Using Recompiler
drkpvr: Using Software
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin"
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin"
Building opcode tables ...
Generating sincos tables ...
Sh4 Reset
LoadFileToSh4Bootrom: loaded file "/app_home/data/dc_boot.bin" ,size : 2097152 bytes
LoadFileToSh4Flashrom: can't load file "/app_home/data/dc_flash_wb.bin", file not found
LoadFileToSh4Flashrom: loaded file "/app_home/data/dc_flash.bin" ,size : 131072 bytes
LoadFileToSh4Mem: can't load file "/app_home/data/syscalls.bin" to memory , file not found
LoadFileToSh4Mem: can't load file "/app_home/data/IP.bin" to memory , file not found
Sh4: i-cache invalidation A0000020
Error in ../dc/mem/sh4_internal_reg.cpp:WriteMem_area7:741 -> Write to Area7 not implemented , addr=1f940190,d
)Error in ../dc/mem/sh4_internal_reg.cpp:WriteMem_area7:741 -> Write to Area7 not implemented , addr=1f940190,
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f74e4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68ac,da
)Invalid GD-DMA start, SB_GDEN=0.Ingoring it.
Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a0,dat
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a8,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b8,da
)VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
<acHLE>:Invalid Katana Driver Version (0)
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
<acHLE>:Invalid Katana Driver Version (0)
Error in ../dc/mem/sh4_internal_reg.cpp:RegSRead:84 -> Read from internal Regs , not implemented , offset=c
)Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C00DD84
0.04% VPS:0.02(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68a4,dat
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a8,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b8,da
)Invalid GD-DMA start, SB_GDEN=0.Ingoring it.
Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C09E6B2
Sh4: i-cache invalidation AC09D99E
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
<acHLE>:Invalid Katana Driver Version (0)
57.90% VPS:28.95(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
*************AICA Audio driver (version: 1,1 local )************
Name: for Boot ROM ++ ( )
Authors:IGITALMEDIA :Y.Kashima / K.Suyama
Date: 1998.09.09
Copyright: 1998,(C)SEGA ENTERPRISES
Stage: +GM+
sndToolInterfaceWork: 0x003f0100
hostSeqStatus: 0x00360100
sndSystemStatus: 0x00340100
seqModuleMap: 0x00400100
cmdBuffer: 0x00320100
cmdHistoryBuffer: 0x00480100
sndManbowLibraryWork: 0x003e0100
sndManbowLibraryWorkSize: 0x00010000
54.60% VPS:27.30(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
48.75% VPS:24.37(PAL480i50.00)RPS:4.97 vt:0.39K 1.95K
46.75% VPS:23.37(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
48.79% VPS:24.39(PAL480i50.00)RPS:13.94 vt:0.41K 5.72K
Sh4: i-cache invalidation AC09EC72
Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C00DD84
Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68a4,dat
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a8,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b8,da
)Invalid GD-DMA start, SB_GDEN=0.Ingoring it.
Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C09E6B2
Sh4: i-cache invalidation AC09D99E
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
*************AICA Audio driver (version: 1,1 local )************
Name: for Boot ROM ++ ( )
Authors:IGITALMEDIA :Y.Kashima / K.Suyama
Date: 1998.09.09
Copyright: 1998,(C)SEGA ENTERPRISES
Stage: +GM+
sndToolInterfaceWork: 0x003f0100
hostSeqStatus: 0x00360100
sndSystemStatus: 0x00340100
seqModuleMap: 0x00400100
cmdBuffer: 0x00320100
cmdHistoryBuffer: 0x00480100
sndManbowLibraryWork: 0x003e0100
sndManbowLibraryWorkSize: 0x00010000
51.80% VPS:25.90(PAL480i50.00)RPS:14.44 vt:0.18K 2.58K
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
56.42% VPS:28.21(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
*************AICA Audio driver (version: 1,1 local )************
Name: for Boot ROM ++ ( )
Authors:IGITALMEDIA :Y.Kashima / K.Suyama
Date: 1998.09.09
Copyright: 1998,(C)SEGA ENTERPRISES
Stage: +GM+
sndToolInterfaceWork: 0x003f0100
hostSeqStatus: 0x00360100
sndSystemStatus: 0x00340100
seqModuleMap: 0x00400100
cmdBuffer: 0x00320100
cmdHistoryBuffer: 0x00480100
sndManbowLibraryWork: 0x003e0100
sndManbowLibraryWorkSize: 0x00010000
53.11% VPS:26.55(PAL480i50.00)RPS:7.38 vt:0.79K 5.84K
50.42% VPS:25.21(PAL480i50.00)RPS:24.71 vt:1.02K 25.19K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.18% VPS:25.09(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.09 vt:1.14K 28.55K
50.21% VPS:25.10(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.10 vt:1.14K 28.57K
50.23% VPS:25.12(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.12 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.30% VPS:25.15(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.15 vt:1.14K 28.62K
50.24% VPS:25.12(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.12 vt:1.14K 28.59K
50.29% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.22% VPS:25.11(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.11 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.23% VPS:25.11(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.11 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.25% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.59K
50.21% VPS:25.10(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.10 vt:1.14K 28.57K
50.37% VPS:25.19(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.19 vt:1.14K 28.66K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.29% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.22% VPS:25.11(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.11 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.25% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.59K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
MaXiMu escribió: ..
Letsee .. oh wait, it cross compiled ! *yay* for uber portable code ;p
Interpreter only / underclock 4x / no pvr rendering / no audio / no input
Bios intro runs fine, then gets on the clock dialog screen. YAY !
Setting the path to /app_home/
nullDCe/ps3 v1.0.0 pre-1 (built Sep 9 2010@01:05:30) starting up ..
Config file parsed!Loading settings
Loaded settings
Loading plugins!
drkpvr: Using Software
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin"
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin"
Using Recompiler
drkpvr: Using Software
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A1.bin"
Unable to open vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin", creating new file
Failed to create vmu save file "vmu_save_A2.bin"
Building opcode tables ...
Generating sincos tables ...
Sh4 Reset
LoadFileToSh4Bootrom: loaded file "/app_home/data/dc_boot.bin" ,size : 2097152 bytes
LoadFileToSh4Flashrom: can't load file "/app_home/data/dc_flash_wb.bin", file not found
LoadFileToSh4Flashrom: loaded file "/app_home/data/dc_flash.bin" ,size : 131072 bytes
LoadFileToSh4Mem: can't load file "/app_home/data/syscalls.bin" to memory , file not found
LoadFileToSh4Mem: can't load file "/app_home/data/IP.bin" to memory , file not found
Sh4: i-cache invalidation A0000020
Error in ../dc/mem/sh4_internal_reg.cpp:WriteMem_area7:741 -> Write to Area7 not implemented , addr=1f940190,d
)Error in ../dc/mem/sh4_internal_reg.cpp:WriteMem_area7:741 -> Write to Area7 not implemented , addr=1f940190,
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f74e4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68ac,da
)Invalid GD-DMA start, SB_GDEN=0.Ingoring it.
Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a0,dat
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a8,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b8,da
)VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
<acHLE>:Invalid Katana Driver Version (0)
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
<acHLE>:Invalid Katana Driver Version (0)
Error in ../dc/mem/sh4_internal_reg.cpp:RegSRead:84 -> Read from internal Regs , not implemented , offset=c
)Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C00DD84
0.04% VPS:0.02(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68a4,dat
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a8,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b8,da
)Invalid GD-DMA start, SB_GDEN=0.Ingoring it.
Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C09E6B2
Sh4: i-cache invalidation AC09D99E
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
<acHLE>:Invalid Katana Driver Version (0)
57.90% VPS:28.95(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
*************AICA Audio driver (version: 1,1 local )************
Name: for Boot ROM ++ ( )
Authors: :DIGITALMEDIA :Y.Kashima / K.Suyama
Date: 1998.09.09
Copyright: 1998,(C)SEGA ENTERPRISES
Stage: +GM+
sndToolInterfaceWork: 0x003f0100
hostSeqStatus: 0x00360100
sndSystemStatus: 0x00340100
seqModuleMap: 0x00400100
cmdBuffer: 0x00320100
cmdHistoryBuffer: 0x00480100
sndManbowLibraryWork: 0x003e0100
sndManbowLibraryWorkSize: 0x00010000
54.60% VPS:27.30(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
48.75% VPS:24.37(PAL480i50.00)RPS:4.97 vt:0.39K 1.95K
46.75% VPS:23.37(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
48.79% VPS:24.39(PAL480i50.00)RPS:13.94 vt:0.41K 5.72K
Sh4: i-cache invalidation AC09EC72
Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C00DD84
Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68a4,dat
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f68ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78a8,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78ac,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b0,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b4,da
)Error in ../dc/mem/sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:419 -> Write to System Control Regs , not implemented , addr=5f78b8,da
)Invalid GD-DMA start, SB_GDEN=0.Ingoring it.
Sh4: i-cache invalidation 8C09E6B2
Sh4: i-cache invalidation AC09D99E
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
*************AICA Audio driver (version: 1,1 local )************
Name: for Boot ROM ++ ( )
Authors: :DIGITALMEDIA :Y.Kashima / K.Suyama
Date: 1998.09.09
Copyright: 1998,(C)SEGA ENTERPRISES
Stage: +GM+
sndToolInterfaceWork: 0x003f0100
hostSeqStatus: 0x00360100
sndSystemStatus: 0x00340100
seqModuleMap: 0x00400100
cmdBuffer: 0x00320100
cmdHistoryBuffer: 0x00480100
sndManbowLibraryWork: 0x003e0100
sndManbowLibraryWorkSize: 0x00010000
51.80% VPS:25.90(PAL480i50.00)RPS:14.44 vt:0.18K 2.58K
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 1
56.42% VPS:28.21(PAL480i50.00)RPS:0.00 vt: nanK 0.00K
VREG = 03
Write to ARM reset, value= 0
*************AICA Audio driver (version: 1,1 local )************
Name: for Boot ROM ++ ( )
Authors: :DIGITALMEDIA :Y.Kashima / K.Suyama
Date: 1998.09.09
Copyright: 1998,(C)SEGA ENTERPRISES
Stage: +GM+
sndToolInterfaceWork: 0x003f0100
hostSeqStatus: 0x00360100
sndSystemStatus: 0x00340100
seqModuleMap: 0x00400100
cmdBuffer: 0x00320100
cmdHistoryBuffer: 0x00480100
sndManbowLibraryWork: 0x003e0100
sndManbowLibraryWorkSize: 0x00010000
53.11% VPS:26.55(PAL480i50.00)RPS:7.38 vt:0.79K 5.84K
50.42% VPS:25.21(PAL480i50.00)RPS:24.71 vt:1.02K 25.19K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.18% VPS:25.09(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.09 vt:1.14K 28.55K
50.21% VPS:25.10(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.10 vt:1.14K 28.57K
50.23% VPS:25.12(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.12 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.30% VPS:25.15(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.15 vt:1.14K 28.62K
50.24% VPS:25.12(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.12 vt:1.14K 28.59K
50.29% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.22% VPS:25.11(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.11 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.23% VPS:25.11(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.11 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.25% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.59K
50.21% VPS:25.10(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.10 vt:1.14K 28.57K
50.37% VPS:25.19(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.19 vt:1.14K 28.66K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.29% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.22% VPS:25.11(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.11 vt:1.14K 28.58K
50.26% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.60K
50.25% VPS:25.13(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.13 vt:1.14K 28.59K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
50.28% VPS:25.14(PAL480i50.00)RPS:25.14 vt:1.14K 28.61K
Celduques escribió:Lo que sí que estaría guapo es que la PS3 pudiera tener un sistema operativo como el Linux