SegaGen de LEMEC

Remontando tiempo atras (quiza un año ZzzZZ ) recuerdo haberme tostado el segagen de echelon con una chorrada de roms (mas de 500),despues de bootear el cd veia el menu,pero ingresaba a la carpeta roms y se me reseteaba al inico del menu del emulador.Despues lo volvi a quemar con unos 10 juegos (para estar seguro) y ahi si me sirvio

Ahora en un sitio baje la version de lemec, y queria consultar si alguien ya la ha probado,y si alguien sabe hasta cuantos roms se pueden grabar

eso seria....

Temjin,si no se puede hablar de este controversial emulador,cierra el hilo nomás

Escrito originalmente por strider_hiryu

Temjin,si no se puede hablar de este controversial emulador,cierra el hilo nomás


No pasa nada, tan solo no pongais links de donde bajarlo, porque este emu no es de los legales;)
esta en ingles pero es lo unico que e podido encontrar de ese segagen:
______ ______
\_ | | _/ /\ -poyZ/99
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\ _ _ | _ \_.--\ __/_____/ _ |______.--\_ _/ \ _ /
:\/ / | / / \ \ | \ | / _ | \ \ \/:
: :
: O B S I D I A N :
: :
: :
: Whats in 12th February 2001 :
: ---------------------- :
: :
: obs-lemc.txt Guide to Lemec (This File) :
: obs-lemc.nfo Brief Info :
: 1st_read.bin Lemec 1ST_READ.BIN :
: manifest.bin Lemec MANIFEST.BIN :
: ip.bin Lemec IP.BIN :
: option.pvr Lemec OPTION.PVR :
: haikei.pvr Lemec HAIKEI.PVR :
: ginreset.ips IPS file for GINRESET.BIN :
: mde_us.ips IPS file for MDE_US.BIN :
: goldaxe3.ips IPS file for Golden Axe 3 :
: wilywars.ips IPS file for Wily Wars :
: :
: :
: Lemec - Smash Pack Loader. :
: -------------------------- :
: :
: This is a loader for the Smash Pack. I didn't like Echelon's so I wrote :
: my own. Lemec features a bigger and much easier to read font, it scrolls :
: when holding up/down on the control pad and you can page up/down through :
: the list of files. Lemec also makes use of the VMU and saves each files :
: settings so you don't have to enter them every single time you play. :
: Probably the best feature of all is it's stability. I have not :
: experienced any lock-ups or the list of files disappearing, etc. like :
: what happens in the other loader. :
: :
: With permission, I have included two IPS files that remove the country :
: protection in Golden Axe 3 and Wily Wars. This makes them playable :
: on the Smash Pack emulator. A big thanks to Ex-Cyber and Trzy! :
: Ex-Cyber removed the protection with help from info by Trzy. In case :
: you are wondering which ROMs to patch, the GoodGen names are: :
: :
: Golden Axe 3 (J) :
: Megaman The Wily Wars (E) :
: :
: :
: How do I use Lemec? :
: ------------------- :
: :
: First of all, this does not work on a self-booting disk, sorry. You :
: will have to use the bootdisc. :
: :
: #1. Unzip the original Smash Pack Loader. :
: :
: #2. Copy the supplied IP.BIN, 1ST_READ.BIN and MANIFEST.BIN to the :
: CD_ROOT directory, overwriting what's there. Also replace :
: HAIKEI.PVR and OPTION.PVR with the ones provided. :
: :
: This will change the LBA in those two files for use with the :
: bootdisc. There are many IPS patchers around so you won't have :
: a problem finding one. :
: :
: #4. Then just burn the files in the CD_ROOT dir, along with your :
: ROM's using ISO9660 (with long file names), Mode 1 and use :
: a unique volume label (why? Read 'Saving info' below). Make sure :
: your ROM's are in binary format. They also have to be in a :
: directory. They cannot be in the root dir or in sub-directories. :
: You can have as many directories as you want though. Just make :
: sure these 5 files: HAIKEI.PVR, MOJI01.PVR, OPTION.PVR, :
: MANATEE.DRV & STREAM.MLT are in each directory that you create. :
: Also, filenames must only be 31 characters long total (that :
: includes extension) and must not contain illegal characters. :
: :
: The following are the controls for Lemec. You must use a controller in :
: port A. :
: :
: Pad Up & Down - Scroll up/down. Holding the pad will continue to :
: scroll. :
: L & R - Move up/down a page. :
: A - Goes into the selected directory. :
: X - Changes the MODE setting for the selected file. :
: Y - Changes the SKIP setting for the selected file. :
: B - Changes the SOUND setting for the selected file. :
: Start - Starts the emulator with the selected file. :
: :
: :
: Saving info. :
: ------------ :
: :
: Lemec will only use a VMU in port A1. When Lemec starts it will :
: create a save file or if one exists, loads it using the CD's volume :
: label as the filename. This save will contain all the settings for :
: each file on the CD. Whenever you launch the emulator, Lemec will :
: save the settings to the VMU. :
: :
: Using the volume label as a filename allows Lemec to load/save the :
: appropriate settings file for each CD that you use. So if you use :
: multiple CD's, make sure the volume labels are different. For instance :
: 'CD1' & 'CD2' or 'A_M' & 'N_Z', etc. Lemec will only use the first :
: 8 characters of the volume label. :
: :
: :
: Contact Info. :
: ------------- :
: :
: DO NOT contact me asking for help on burning a CD. :
: DO NOT ask me for ROMs or where to find them. :
: DO NOT ask me for the Smash Pack or where to find it. :
: :
: Any email with the above content will be deleted. :
: :
: On the other hand, if you have any comments about the program itself :
: . :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: ______ : Obsidian Team : Department : :
: \_ | +---------------+---------------+ /\ -poyZ/99:
:___________| |___ : WT_Riker : Coding : ________/ \_________
\ _ _ | _ \: JL_Picard : Coding :.--\_ _/ \ _ /
:\/ / | / : Refried : Coding : _ | \ \ \/:
:/__________|________/: CrowTRobo : Coding :_________|_____\______\:
se ve estable....el que yo tengo es uno descargado via bittorrent, y viene con un bat y programas para tostarlo autoarrancable...
Lo probare de todos modos...(sucede que ya tengo un trauma con los buffer underrun y los posavasos) [lapota]
3 respuestas