Segundo Homebrew!! PS3 FTP!

Se ACABARON los problemas con los ficheros de mas de 4gigas. Ahora se puede utilizar el hd interno para ir haciendo copias de seguridad de nuestros juegos al disco duro interno de la consola y una vez ayí, con esta utilidad, a través de una red FTP pasarlos a nuestro PC para almacenaje. Aqui la noticia entera:

Finally a second application has been released to use with the Dongles (PSGroove, PSFreedom, PSJailbreak), it is an FTP Server that allows you to browse your internal and external HDD's directly from your PC as long as your PS3 is wired into your home network. -- This makes it easier to transfer games of course!

But of course it allows you to finally poke around the previously unviewable internal PS3 HDD, in it's full working format, so you can now see where all your "game saves", "trophies", "and downloaded content", and even other neat stuff, like the "list of games that you play off-line, to be uploaded to the Big Sony Spy's once you have connected on-line".

Have fun, but remember this program was complied using the official SDK kit, so therefore no attaching it to this site, but open discussion how the neat things you have found on your HDD, or possible new outcomes from this tool will be allowed.

It is an FTP Server for the PS3, with it, on a retail with your choice of "hack" to enable unsigned code it allows:

• Full Read/Write access to all of "dev_hdd0" (including save areas, games, VM etc)
• Full Read/Write access to "dev_flash2" and "dev_flash3"
• Full Read/Write access to connected usb devices
• Full Read access to "dev_flash"
• Full Read access to "dev_bdvd"

To use:

Connect with your choice of FTP client - Prefered is the old "ftp" from the command line, however Filezilla seems to work, allowing only one connection, and disabling PASV support.

Furthermore, the Server does not support some commands (like rename, of all things!) so make sure what you do counts!

Use the IP shown on the screen - make sure to have your net connection up and running before hand (wired is so much faster)

Connect to that IP, port 21, use the username: FTPD12345, and whatever password you like. I could have removed the username check in the library, but I'm lazy!

Be careful, some of the flash contents ARE writable , nobody is responsible for what you do to your PS3 but you!


• Can not write to dev_flash
• Can not rename files
• Buggy as hell (randomly crashes, blame Sony!)
• Files > 4GB increments show as the difference, for example a 6GB file shows as "2gb", or a 11gb file shows as 3gb - It will download, well past 100% , just let it keep going!

Finally, this app was coded quickly, by someone who can't code for the life of him. It mostly uses provided API's, and the GUI is based off of a sample - but, it gets the job done.

Furthermore a tiny, tiny, super tiny bit of editing was done to the library to allow full access to the entire system, and the hack enabled the rest! Enjoy!

resumiendo, podemos pasar los juegos con el lector al hd interno y con la red a discos duros ntfs para su almacenaje y viceversa, el programa deja acceder a partes internas de la ps3 q no se podian ver hasta ahora como partes de la flash y ojo, los juegos q hemos jugado y se envian por la utilidad "espia" de sony,, y q este programa no se puede linkear por problemas de copyright hasta q se compile de otra manera...

como avanza esto madre mia
Y el foro de SCENE esta para.... ¿Hablar sobre baneos?

[+risas] Aparte de que es la 3º vez que lo ponen
Corriura viva..... chooooooooof!
ostras me he colado... esq no me doy acostumbrado a q el subforo de scene ahora tenga tantas partes xD
neox3 escribió:
Messiahs escribió:Y el foro de SCENE esta para.... ¿Hablar sobre baneos?

[+risas] Aparte de que es la 3º vez que lo ponen

no te pueden banear sobre esto, porq es informacion de algo q ai pero no damos ningun enlace ni nada....
es como si me banean por decir q no existen los reyes magos [+risas]

amen de q no he visto en el principal ningun hilo sobre esta noticia de q han modificado el ps3 ftp para acceder a todas las partes de la consola.

No hablo sobre baneos... solo que el foro de SCENE se usa para el hombrew y el de modchips para lo que es... un ejemplo:

Linux, software casero y los diferentes hacks no relacionados con backups
Moderadores: [erick], Ferdopa, jamonazo2000

Modchips y Softmods
Instalación, fabricación o programación de chips, jailbreaks, etc.
Moderadores: [erick], Ferdopa, jamonazo2000

En cual crees que deberia ir tu post???

Y de que no se ha hablado de eso... pues tu mismo en dos hilos, uno de ellos cerrado por un moderador por estar repetido:


Y el cerrado:


Saludos [oki]
4 respuestas