Sera esto cierto???

Por ke si lo es, ya le vale a SONY:

January 27th 2001
True 192-bit Power!
That's right, after shrinking profits and the release of an under-powered console, Sony has decided they need an extra boost to get them back to the top of the console mountain. And now they have just that boost, in the form of a brilliant new upgrade called PlayStation Y. The PlayStation Y is an add-on to the PlayStation 2, which not only boosts the consoles total power to 192-bit, but can also use revolutionary 'cartridges' to play games. This is said to totally erradicate loading times, and also allows Sony to charge £60 per game. All current PlayStation games will be on this cartridge based upgrade, so all dedicated fans will have to upgrade, but can still use the original PlayStation 2's DVD drive to watch DVD movies. Yes, you heard it here first - the future of gaming is 192-bit - the future is PlayStation Y!
Podeis verlo en esta web, sale una foto del aparatito en cuestion.
Ha quedado claro que todas las expansiones que se sacan para las consolas acaban siendo un fracaso...

En fin, ya lo vimos con el mega CD y 32X...

Espero que no sean tan lerdos...
Joder, a mí es que me entra la risa con estas cosas; aún habrá gente que se lo crea...

Pero hombre, ¿no veis que es una broma?; además, el sitio es pro-Sega y anti-Sony; si os fijáis en las noticias y sus comentarios se nota a la legua.
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