Servidor DHCP para red privada y publica ¿Es posible?

Buenas, tengo un problema con el servidor DHCP, basicamente quiero que el servidor tenga dos tarjetas de red, una conectada a una red privada (sin acceso a internet) y la otra publica (con acceso directo a internet (sin NATeo)).
Es decir, los PCs se pueden conectar a dos rosetas, la que les proporcione una IP publica o la que les proporcione una IP privada, todo esto con un solo servidor DHCP.

Me gustaria que me dijerais si es posible o no y que maquina y que software necesitaria (si es libre mejor).

EDIT:Mi idea va mas o menos por aqui:
Busqueda Google escribió:I have, for years now, had to keep a server in a
completely different tree so I can provide both
public and private DNS services for our domain:

* An zone object in tree ABC with public
IP's that two NW5.1 servers provide to the
outside world.

* An zone object in tree ABCPvt with
private IP's that another lonely server provides
to our internal network.

The resolv.cfg files on all servers - even those
hosting public DNS - point to the private DNS
servers in the ABCPvt tree as does the DNS
information in DHCP for the workstations.

I fully understand that you couldn't ask the
SAME server to host a "public" and a "private"
zone file, each with the same domain name. But,
why couldn't it be legal to segregate zone files
of the same name into seperate NDS containers in
the same TREE. Just like user objects can have
the same name as long as the context is
different... why can't DNS zone objects behave
similarly since you assign each object to a
server or servers in the DNS/DHCP console?

It would just be really nice to have all my
servers in the same tree and still be able to
serve public DNS for on some servers and
private DNS for on others.

I know that you could create an zone
with public IP's and zone with
private IP's in the same tree, but that's a poor
solution for the users who access rescources
from the office and from at home over the
internet. They have to remember the URL is
different at work than at home.

Supongo que hara falta una correcta configuracion de dhcpd, alguna idea de por donde puedo tirar?
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