How's Shenmue II for Xbox going?
Suzuki: It's going very well! It's basically finished at this point. The storyline will remain largely the same, but the events and gameplay will receive some tuning. However, it looks even better than the Dreamcast version.
Por cierto, esto también es interesante:
VF4 for PS2 looks pretty, but it ain't arcade-perfect. So how's that Xbox version coming along? [wink, wink]
[Suzuki looks over at Sega of Japan PR manager, mumbles something in his ear, laughs, turns to us] Suzuki: Ahhhhh, we can't say anything about that yet. When we can we'll let you know.
Great, we'll take that as a yes. So, which console is the best to develop for? The Xbox because it's like a big ol' Dreamcast or what?
Suzuki: Actually, the GameCube has the best development environment. The Xbox is just about in the middle, being average, and the PS2 is the most difficult to develop for.