Shenmue III confirmado...

Pos eso que investigando sobre el tema he encontrao la siguiente noticia en una pagina especializada en la saga Shenmue:

Shenmue 3 info from The Belgian Game Network January 12

The (Begn) Belgian games network has information regarding Shenmue 3 and here is the translation:

"Shenmue 3 and 4 to be released how? - Our reporters in Japan had an interview with AM2 and it appears the WILL be Shenmue III and it's looking likely to be on X-Box."

"No release dates could be confirmed for Shenmue III and IV but we're happy to hear that Shenmue III has been confirmed. Look out for the interview for more details!"

~Begn 11/1/2003~

Que os parece?? Será creible??(ojala que sí)

buahhhhhh [oki] [oki]

ojala sea verdad, madre mia, es la escusa perfecta para comprarme la xbox.
salu2 :Ð :Ð
Ahh y por cierto ahi va un rumor wapeton!!

Shenmue III Rumors

Ryo will return back to Japan, and make a short trip back home. Lan Di will return and burn down the Hazuki residence. Ine-san will fall deadly ill, and Fuku-San is forced to take after the Dojo.

-Ryo will bring a friend, possibly Ren, on with his next journey. The start of the game will happen in Kerlin where you left off.
-Chai and GuiZangh will make appearances. Lan Di will get a hold of the two mirrors.
-Master Chen and Zhu Wan Da will meet and discuss why Iwao was murdered.
-The mysterious women Niao Shun will be one of the lead characters. She is seen at the end of Shenmue II
-The Chi Yo Men will kidnap most of Ryo's friends along whis journey.
-From a little detective work I beleive I have found where Shenmue 3 will be set. In Shenmue2 if you look at the pictures on the walls of Shenhuas house she talks to you about them. She talks of a busy and vibrant city called Luoyang. It is further north of Guilin. On the pic a red ancient building is shown. This building is also shown in the sleeve of the Shenmue Orchestra CD with Shenhua outside it. She basically tells you that they will be going there. She says she has unknown nostalgic feelings toward Luoyang. They will go there! In a different pic she talks of the Chinese mountains where tales say people never return from. This has to be Lan dis HQ. I doubt that Ryo will go back to Japan. A few years ago Yu Suzuki said Shenmue will be a game primarily set in China. I would guess Ryo will go to Luoyang, then Lan dis HQ and then Tibet in later Shenmues. Also I think Ryo and shenhua could be related or her father who left could be Chai or Ziming.Ziming could be Lan di, Baihu, or Chai.

Not able to Play as Ryo Hazuki:
This rumour is you will not be able to play as Ryo Hazuki in Shenmue3 and will have to play as someone else. I personally don't believe this but just remember THIS IS JUST A RUMOR.
When he returns Nozomi is visting her grandmother.
Ryo will be able to change clothes.

Xiuying's brother is actually Lan-Di's boss.

Lo siento por los que no sepan inglés pero no hay moral pa ponerme a traducir el texto ahora. Saludos
Has sacado eso quizas de Shenmuedojo?
La primera noticia sí, el rumor sobre la historia no.
Por lo visto dentro de 2 semanas AM2 dirá definitivamente si se va a hacer el juego o si no..... crucemos los dedos....

Espero que sea verdad eso, es para estar flipando :O
como no lo hagan multiplataforma al igual que han hecho con sonic( lo cual es muy posible) sera mi razon para comprar definitivamente la xbox, tres veces apunto de comprarla la ultima hace 7 dias, pero estando en la tienda eche atras, no se pq aun no me convence,ademas de la bajada de precio, que esta muy cerca.
Pero Shenmue 3 no sucedía en America..... ein? Aix, a ver si dicen algo ya.
Amigo DeD, pues aki te pongo 2 razones de peso para comprártela... [sonrisa]


Si que eres un gran seguidor el cubo, espero que al comprar la caja X no te arrepientas, estoy seguro que te va a gustar, algo diferente a lo que ya has jugado.
Pos de putisima madre, este le daria un buen empujon a la consola, ya que estos juegos no han vendido mucho, pero por lo que he visto, la gente que los ha jugado se han enganchado muchsimo e incluso estarian dispuestos a comprarse la consola en la que siguiera la saga.
11 respuestas