Simple PS3 Proxy Released - PSN Workaround

Set on your PS3 a web proxy of (PC IP) port 8080

IE: if the machine you are to be running this proxy on is then put that as the IP and 8080 as the port in the PS3 network configuration for your web proxy.

If 3.56 is still current, just run the app and click start.

If 3.60 or later is now out, change the 3.5600 value in required PS3 version to 3.6000 or similar.

As long as the PS3 is correctly configured and this app is running, you will be signed in.

This is licensed under version 2 of the GNU public licence, see license.txt for details.

Source code is included in the archive in /src

This software may not be sold, this software may not be bundled with things being sold, this software (or any derivative works) may not be distributed without the license and its source.

Please do not cheat in online games, it makes you a lamer and aggravates Sony.

Hi to the people of #Amiga, #Atheism, #Pharyngula, #PSGroove etc.

[Hideki] - - 31 Jan 2011

Possible errors

On PC:

If you get an error about mswinsck.ocx being missing, either run the proxy app as administrator or copy the included .ocx file (in \ocx) to \windows\system32. (or if you prefer, download and install the microsoft VB6 runtimes which include this required file but also a large number of other not required files...)
MS VB6 Runtime KB article link:

On PS3:

Error 8071053D - You are not running the proxy or the IP/Port are wrong.

Update request - You have not setup the proxy on PS3 side or Sony have worked around this workaround

Read more: - Simple PS3 Proxy Released - PSN Workaround ... z1CkBEX000


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