Gracias por las respuestas. Lo que os cuento a continuación no se si se trata de un timo o es que a mi me ocurren las cosas más inverosímiles que se han podido leer por este foro. Os cuento:
Esta misma tarde realicé la compra en Gamivo vía PayPal. No paro de mirar el correo electrónico para poder pillar el código comprado y me encuentro con un mail donde me piden una foto de mi DNI y un papel escrito a mano con mi puño y letra que diga GAMIVO.COM justo al lado. Adjunto lo que ponen
Thank you for placing an order with GAMIVO.
We have received a system security alert. Therefore, we would like to ensure the account owner authorized the transaction.
Before we can complete your order, we would like you to provide us with proof of your identity. We kindly ask you to provide us with a photo of your ID (**a government-issued identity document, driving license, or passport**), with a handwritten '' note on a piece of paper next to it. Please make sure that the photo is unedited, and the following details are visible:
- Your first and last name,
- The issue and expiry date of the document.
Once the verification is successful, we will be happy to complete your order.
We understand that this may seem troublesome, especially if there was no unauthorized access to your account. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Best regards,
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