skipa frames liendo dvds!

es k mi xbox360 skipa un o otro frame quando lendo dvds...
a vos otros los sucede el mismo?

perdona mi spanol soy portuga...

Yeah... I have the same problem but not with all the DVDs, and so many people have noticed the same problem..
Maybe an update through xbox live would solve it...

By the moment keep crossing your fingers.
so its not a hardware problem, its definetly a software problem?
because i´ve been thinking about trading it for a new one...
Kooljitsu escribió:so its not a hardware problem, its definetly a software problem?
because i´ve been thinking about trading it for a new one...

Maybe it's a hardware problem but it happens with all the xbox 360s with several DVDs ( not all of them..), so don't change your console.

I hope Microsoft solve it soon via firmware update.

Good luck ;)
Joer macho!!

Con EOL la peña se vueleve internacional.

bueno de paso practico mi lectura de ingles... [oki]
A mí solamente me pasa si está en PAL60, en PAL50 va bien...

Only it happens to me if it is in PAL60, in PAL50 goes OK...
Yeah, that's something I forgot to tell you.
If you have HDTV no problem, but if you have an standard TV you should have selected PAL-50, at least is what people say, try it and tell us.

( but the problem is still appearing with some dvds)
bunyou escribió:of course

Tu eres nativo ingles,no? XD
[beer] Saludos!![bye]
(y perdon por el off-topic)
Why all of you are talking in english, i thought it was a spanish forum
anda que.... , no sería mas facil hablar en castellano y portugués que son muuuuuuuuy parecidos :-? :-?
we talk in english because we are good-hearted people...
[amor] [amor] [amor]

ezo zi... pa caganme en topotamadre te jablo en plan cazurro... [+furioso]
Pues yo todavia no he tenido ningun problema viendo dvds..
Natsu escribió:Why all of you are talking in english, i thought it was a spanish forum

Porque intentamos ayudar a un compañero que no es que domine especialmente el idioma y sé que en inglés se desenvuelve muy bien ) por el foro de PSP)
13 respuestas