Pues eso....si ya lo pusieron en el foro pues lo siento...abajo hay un link por si lo quereis leer todo.
It seems everyone knows how to read the DVDs, but me. Also noone wants to tell me how they do it!
Well, I've been trying to read it for about 2 months, programmaticaly using ATAPI commands. (Not using some lame CD tools, like everyone else does. I am a programmer.)
Finaly I am able to read one game DVD using XBOX DVD unit connected to my PC.
Here are some FACTS which I discoverd:
1) First of all, XBOX DVD is not using ATA password protection.
2) XBOX DVD is initialy in "regular DVD" mode, where it behaves like a normal PC DVD. It can't read upper sectors and it reports wrong capacity. The same way your PC DVD behaves.
3) When you insert a game to XBOX, it sends sequence of MODE SENSE/MODE SELECT commands to UNLOCK the DVD! After that sequence all sectors can be read and it reports right capacity. The MODE SELECT commands are sending values which are diffrent for each game DVD. So there is no common values which unlock the DVD for all games. The MODE SENSE/SELECT commands query & sets some vendor specific data as is written in the ATAPI specs.
An anonymous person sent me the Log of what's going on on the IDE cable when game DVD is inserted.
I wrote a program which repeats the sequence of ATAPI commands, so I can read the DVD. It works! However it works only for that game which he inserted when he created the log.
For other games the values send to the DVD in the MODE SELECT are diffrent. It's like each game has different password. This passwords is based on data recieved by READ DVD STRUCT command.
For that there must be some logic/algorithm in the BIOS. It would be easy to figure it out when we have the decrypted BIOS. (How are you guys doing on that in the BIOS department?)
Here is the sequence of commands which are send by XBOX when you insert a game DVD:
Mode Sense
Rd DVD Struct
------- Unlock Sequence Starts Here ----------
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Mode Select
Mode Sense
------- Unlock Sequence Ends Here ----------
Read Capacity
Read TOC,Trk#=0x0,Len=0x324
************************************a few questions
if you unlock the dvd drive while connected to a pc, does that only enable the dvd you unlocked it with? or can you then put in any game and it works?
what game did you unlock it with?
planning on releasing the prog you wrote?
I have the unlock codes for DOA3 and MAX PAYNE, they are taken from the IDE logs sent to me by Mr. anonymous.
I tried only DOA3, I don't have MAX PAYNE.
If I unlock it and then I insert different game, it doesn't work.
Right now, I have only my DOS test code which reads like 2 sectors per second, it's very slow.
I am gonna try to write some app. under windows and then we'll see.