Sobre el WINUAEX de XBOX

Hola gente, ultimamente le estoy dando mucha tralla a mi xbox 1 y mas que nada con emulación, lo raro es que un amiguero de pro como yo(aun conservo mi Amiga 500) no hubiera probado el que dicen es el mejor emulador de Amiga en Xbox.He probado el Winuaex v15 y he flipado con lo bien que va pero me quiero hacer una compilación buena con mis juegos mas queridos de Amiga y no se si el tema de la emulación en Xbox 1 estara muy activo ya a estas alturas de la pelicula?...

Este post es mas que nada para pediros información sobre cual es la ultima versión que salió del Winuaex y ya de paso cual de todas las que han salido me recomendais vosotros? he podido comprobar que hay versiones posteriores a esta v15 que he usado yo pero me gustaria saber cual es la ultima que salió, gracias por adelantado gente.
La última versión es la v17, aquí te dejo las mejoras desde la v15
Mas info en
WinUAEX Amiga Emulator port for XBox v17

What's New:

- Updated UI core to most recent feature set

- No rewind support

Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD,
FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26X, StepmaniaX, PCSXBox, XBoyAdvance,
DOSXBox, AtariXLBox, MirrorMagicX, KoboX, MaelstromX, MarblesX, Vice64X,
Vice20X, VicePETX, KegsX, XPired, AdamX, WonderSwanX, BeatsOfRageX,
PowermangaX, LynxBox, BlueMSXBox, GladiatorX, AmphetamineX, StarfighterX,
PachiX, BlobWarsX, OdysseyX, ArnoldX, X68000X, WinUAEX, MekaX,
MednafenX-NES, MednafenX-PCE, MednafenX-Lynx, AbuseX, NJamX, XHeroes,
PokemonMiniX, Classic99X, SoftVMUX, VirtualBoyX, SuperVisionX, Chip8X,
Atari7800X, DidntXSpectrum, CaveStoryX

What's next?



WinUAEX Amiga Emulator port for XBox v16

What's New:

- AutoBoot games (see below)

- Test pattern for game screen resizing
Toggle between game screen and test pattern
Hide text while resizing
Change text color on resizing screen
Change size of test pattern on game screen resizing

- Trigger rumble when game memory changes
Idea shamelessly lifted from nes6502 :)

- Trigger rumble when pressing emulator button

- Trigger rumble via memory now has the following options:
+ trigger when memory value changes
+ trigger when memory value decreases
+ trigger when memory value increases
+ trigger when memory value = specified value
+ trigger when memory value != specified value
+ trigger when memory value > specified value
+ trigger when memory value < specified value

- View all potential cheat code items
Cheat Codes -> View Current Potential Matches
Cheat Codes -> Continue Search for Cheat Code -> View List of Matches

- View memory dump for cheat codes
Cheat Codes -> View Memory Dump
<get to list of potential cheat code items> -> <select an item> ->
Jump to this Position in Memory Dump

- Poke values into memory
<get to list of potential cheat code items> -> <select an item> ->
Poke value into selection
<get to memory dump> -> <select line> -> <select byte> -> Poke

- Added analog stick sensitivity configuration. Use this to
custom define your analog stick deadzones if you are experiencing
Configuration -> Controller Configuration -> Controller # ->
Change Analog Stick Sensitivity

- Jump to Memory Dump from cheat code value

- More searchable memory locations for creating cheat codes

Important Notes

AutoBoot Games

This allows people to configure a CD/DVD such that when it boots, it will boot
directly into the specified game.

If you place a file called BOOT.INI in the same directory as your DEFAULT.XBE, then
the filename specified in that file will be automatically loaded upon startup.
Similarly, if you place BOOT.KEY and BOOT.STG in the same directory, then the
controller configuration (BOOT.KEY) and settings (BOOT.STG) will be used if none
already exist for the game specified in BOOT.INI. Create these boot.key and boot.stg
files from the existing configuration files for a particular game in the
E:\SAVES\<emulator> directory.

Sample BOOT.INI contents:


Trigger Rumble by Pressing Emulator Button

To assign rumble to an emulator button, go to Configuration ->
Controller Configuration -> Controller # -> Change Rumble Config

Select the emulator button, then configure the motor intensities and
durations. "Continuous" means that the motor will stay on for as
long as you have the button pressed. If "continuous" is not set, then
the motor will stay on for the time specified in the duration fields.

Trigger Rumble when Game Memory Changes

This works based off of the cheat-code system. Let's say you are playing
a beat-em-up type game and your player has 5 slots of health. First, you
will want to create a code that represents the players health. Refer to
"Cheating System - How To Make Your Own Cheat Codes" in this document for
an explanation of how to create cheat codes. Once you have the cheat code
set up that represents the health of the player, go to:

Cheat Codes -> List Cheat Codes -> <select player health code> ->
Configure Rumble

From here, you can set up the rumble values (same as with "Trigger Rumble
by Pressing Emulator Button). When you're done with that, go to:

Cheat Codes -> List Cheat Codes -> <select player health code> ->
Rumble Enabled On

to select which controller will get the rumble activated. You can also
choose to have the rumble activate on all of the controllers. Then go to:

Cheat Codes -> List Cheat Codes -> <select player health code> ->
Rumble When

To select if you want the rumble to trigger when the value changes, decreases
or increases. In this case, we'll want to set it to "Value Decreases"

Now when your health goes down, the rumble will activate.

Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD,
FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26X, StepmaniaX, PCSXBox, XBoyAdvance,
DOSXBox, AtariXLBox, MirrorMagicX, KoboX, MaelstromX, MarblesX, Vice64X,
Vice20X, VicePETX, KegsX, XPired, AdamX, WonderSwanX, BeatsOfRageX,
PowermangaX, LynxBox, BlueMSXBox, GladiatorX, AmphetamineX, StarfighterX,
PachiX, BlobWarsX, OdysseyX, ArnoldX, X68000X, WinUAEX, MekaX,
MednafenX-NES, MednafenX-PCE, MednafenX-Lynx, AbuseX

what's next?

Gracias Hal, me ha venido muy bien el link ;)
2 respuestas