Sobre la bajada de precio Xbox

Se dice que sera el dia 26 de abril, una semana antes de la salida de la GC.
Tb se dice que mañana se hara oficial, y que Gameshop ya lo ha anunciado.
Rumores, que adquieren fuerza con esto sacado de

""Accourding to CNet, publisher THQ is urging Microsoft to make a price cut on it's newly released Xbox in Japan and Euriope. Reasons why, are because of very slow sales in Japan as well in Europe, but American sales have maintained strong. Since the resently to be announced PS2 price cut at E3 and the followup with Nintendo's plan to make a price cut on the GameCube as soon as E3, Microsoft may be starting to sweat. Europe's and Japan's Xbox price cut may come as soon as the end of this month. But making a move like that on the U.S. may not come until Sony makes a move."

Aqui la noticia ne la que se basa este estracto de xboxgamers,

Tambien se rumorea que MS ofrecera a todo aquel que compro su consola pro 479€ 2 juegos que la propia MS distribuya(como el rallysport) y un mando extra
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