Sobre la batería de PSP

Lik-sang escribió:According to Sony, PSP features an integrated high output lithium-ion battery that provides a play time of between 4 and 6 hours for game titles and continuous 4 to 5 hours for video viewing. These numbers, according to Sony, were determined with the system's luminance set to maximum (180 cd/m2) and minimum (80 cd/m2), volume set to half the maximum level, headphones used instead of speakers and wireless LAN not in use (note that the maximum luminance value rises to 200 cd/m2 when playing through AC power). The systems battery-life in a real and especially LAN situations remains unclear at the moment.

En cristiano viene a decir que lo entre 4 y 6 horas viene determinado :

a) si usas iluminación (creo) al mínimo-máximo

B) Usando los auriculares (por eso supongo yo que iran incluidos en el value pack) y con el volumen a la mitad

C) Jugando en monoplayer
Borochi está baneado por "Faltas de respeto, spam, clones... NO fuiste desbaneado"
Vamos que a tope dura 2 horas [toctoc]

Dinero que me ahorro...

Paso de pillarmela para tener que pillar al dia siguiente otra bateria que cueste lo mismo que la consola :P
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