precisamente ayer se pillo un amigo un pack PG4 porque buscaba una falcon que no fuese liteon y le salio falcon+79 y estaba cabreado con tener que rascar la resina para poner el passkey.
Mañana me la traera y probare este metodo a ver si va.
Tengo algun problema para traducir todo, a ver si alguien me echa un cable
1. Unrar the file
2. Burn the CD Image, I used ImgBurn....
3. Put 79 in Mode B
3. Insert the CD in the 79 and play the track, wait for it to finish...
4. Then press play again and straight away pause it, you should hear some noise
5. Eject the disk, using the eject button not the PC ( it does something different)
6. Run the the command in a command window
Unlock79 h
// where h is the drive letter of the 79
// this will error regardless, ignore the error
7. If all went well bit 4 of (0x5BD) should be set and the drive should be unlocked
8. Drive will dump and flash with Toolbox...
9. This is a tempory unlock, (0x5BD) is in RAM and would need to be done each time you power the drive, although I've posted how to by pass this with the drive unlocked with a passkey.....
10. Has not been extensively tested but worked on 6 drives to day so far...
No entiendo bien estas frases:
7. If all went well bit 4 of (0x5BD) should be set and the drive should be unlocked
although I've posted how to by pass this with the drive unlocked with a passkey..... (aqui decia que el unlock es temporal, que si apago la consola debo hacer otra vez todo el proceso, pero luego la siguiente frase no la acabo de comprender)