Soldat is a unique 2D (side-view) multiplayer action game. It has been influenced by the best of games such as Liero, Worms, Quake, Counter-Strike, and provides a fast-paced gaming experience with tons of blood and flesh.
This repository contains the source code of the so-called 1.8 version. Compared to the original version, the code has undergone many changes but is not in a finished state. We hope that by open-sourcing Soldat we can empower our community to improve the game at a faster pace.
FreePascal 3.0.4
SDL 2.0.12
FreeType 2.6.1
PhysFS 3.0.2
The current public version 1.7.1 (the one playable from the homepage and from Steam) is different from the open source version 1.8. The source code for 1.7.1 is available on request for anyone willing to join the official dev team (just email us at or contact on Discord). 1.8 is available from gitHub here.
There are two reasons for this double source:
1. To prevent easy to build hacks for the current public version until an anti-hack system is incorporated with the open source version 1.8
2. Soldat 1.8 source code changes have key differences and cannot be easily merged
Uno juego muy divertido. Lo podéis jugar en Steam o no gratis.
La versión opensource no es la misma para evitar trampas en el online actual.
Qué alguien porte esto a ds, 3ds, ps vita, etc... Ignoro si existe freepascal para estas máquina o se puede portear a otros lenguajes "fácilmente".
Aunque sería difícil por el tamaño de los sprites. Pero se jugaba a 640*480 con lo que no habría ningún problema en consolas de sobremesa. Aunque jugar con mando sería dificilillo. Pero hoy en día existe el giroscopio con mando y en wii se podría usar el puntero.
