Ararecio la primera manera de cargar copias de seguridad en el nuevo liteon x lo protno a un coste de 42 dolares al parecer todo el proceso se lo realiza por soft y lo hay para windows y dos pero al obtrener el a.bin tenemos que enviarlo a foudmy para que ellos te den algun archivo y ahi si poder hackear el lector
mas info x aca y pego
[source: Team HyperX @ ix16.txt] IXtreme fw for Liteon 83850c drives! Happy third anniversary for the xbox360 fw and despite all attempts we are still here, flashing fw, after several ban waves and several drives including the mighty LITEON we have triumphed! It is a testiment to all involved on how far we have come and the massive teamwork it has required. Thanks go to all involved and here's to the next three years! At the moment the only way to get your key data is through the method. At this time we have no alternative solution. Props to foundmy for providing a solution. Team HyperX will keep working to find a alternative solution!
Esperemos que salga algo que no cueste
Saludos a todos