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Sony encourages DIY PS3 hard drive upgrades
A Social Medial Manager at the Playstation Group has blogged up a post which encourages PS3 owners to upgrade their hard drives. The post draws upon the fact that the PS3 doesn't require a special proprietary HDD as you can just swap it out yourself with the type of drives found at most electronics retailers. So we guess what they're trying to say is 1-0 to the PS3 over Xbox 360 in this context.
No matter which model of the PLAYSTATION 3 you’ve got - 20GB, 40GB, 60GB, or 80GB - music, video, and gaming download fiends will find a way to fill up their hard disk drive. Fortunately, the PS3 doesn’t require some hard-to-find proprietary HDD - you can swap it out yourself with the kind of drive found at most electronics retailers and on the internet.
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Traduccion patata xD :
Un tipo importante de sony a posteado en el blog de sony animando a la peña a q cambien y amplien ellos mismos los HD de sus PS3, haciendo incapie en que la PS3 no necesita q el disco duro sea una pieza de hardware propietario de la marca, con lo que puedes cambiar el disco tu mismo y obtenerlo de cualquier distribuidor de hardware a tu eleccion. (creo q es mas o menos lo q dice

Abajo remarca--.. que no importa el modelo de PS3 q tengas 40, 60, u 80GB y mas o menos lo mismo q dicen en max console.. q la PS3 no necesita de un disco duro de la marca sony ni leches.. asique ya sabeis.. de lujo.. jeje
PD: disculpad mi ingles jeje (si la he cagao correjidme plis, asias)