Ok so PS Vita Firmware 1.51 was just released. *Cough* I mean forced released… Yup, Wololo has also posted that the PS Vita has forced/compulsory firmware updates. PS Vita Firmware 1.51 is now live and if you don’t update you can’t use the content manager feature. So no moving files from or too your PS Vita. That’s rather major and the content manager is a key feature of the PSV. Clever Sony right? And it doesn’t stop there. It seems Sony is also spying on its PS Vita users. Its possible according to Wololo that Sony collects data of what files your moving on and off your PS Vita…. Naughty Sony, I’m not sure this tis very legal. Maybe it is in Japan? Certainly not where I live. There is some good news in this patch. It does not patch the tech4 save game exploit. Despite what some other PSP sites might say.
From Wololo:
A friendly advice to anybody who tries to “investigate” the Vita like I do: install the content manager on a PC that has no network connection (Update: I think “bastards” is the first word that came to my mouth when I saw that the vita refuses to connect to the PC if the Pc is not connected to the internet. This is really really concerning, and I hope a few people will have a look at the code of the PC “content manager” client. I’d be extremely happy to know why Sony is spying on me through the content manager when I’m copying my porn movies to the vita…), and disconnect the Vita as well. It seems Sony has a possibility to prevent anyone from playing with the Content Manager too much. This also confirms that the PSP Exploit we’re working on is more or less moot, since as soon as it is made public, Sony will prevent people from copying the files to their Vita with an obligatory firmware update.
This is really twisted, and I could swear a compulsory update in order to use such a core feature of the console might be illegal in some countries…we’re far from the “you have a choice to stop using linux” here, it’s more of a “you have a choice to stop copying mp3 and movies from and to the console”.
Source: Wololo
snakes4ever escribió:A dia de hoy, no solo sony hace espionaje directo o indirecto, cualquier aparato tecnologico de ultima tecnologia e incluso los nuevos sistemas operativos (salvo linux) lo realizan, no digamos nada de Apple, que te coge datos hasta de las fotos que haces con el movil (los famosos metadatos). Cualquier usuario puede estar siendo espiado hoy en dia y esten sin eterarse, hasta con las mismas (y sobretodo con ellas) redes sociales. Hoy en dia la informacion, los datos, son muy interesantes para las empresas y realizan determinados analisis con ellos para ver que es lo que gusta a los consumidores y tirar por hay.
Puede gustar o no gustar que la gente este siendo espiada, a mi en lo personal y siendo en una videoconsola me da igual, pero ya en un PC me tocaria un poco la moral, ya que en un PC no haces lo mismo que en una consola, eso esta claro.
A todo esto, la 3DS tambien tiene estos sistemas de informacion, registro de actividades que luego bien recibira nintendo para ver lo que gusta a la gente, de hecho cuando aceptas el contrato, bien que te pone que los datos pueden ser enviados a nintendo y lo mismo en las multitudinarias encuestas que hace la compañia nipona a sus clientes con los jeugos y los famosos "puntos estrella".
P.D.: Las actualizaciones, a mi me parece bien que se hagan de forma automatica... lo siento por la Scene, pero a mi me toca la moral cada vez que sacan una actualizacion y quiero jugar online y tengo que tirarme 20 minutos actualizando sin poder jugar, asi que si es automatico, mejor.