Sony: "Memory Sticks de 4GB a 8GB para el 2006"

Sony has updated their MemoryStick Website to include their latest product unveiling at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Touting the way of "Gigabyte Life" as their theme, Sony announced that they plan to release 4GB and 8GB Memory Stick Pro Duo's sometime in 2006. There is no mention of price range at the moment, but you can bet it'll be pretty pricey at first. The upside to that is we can expect a price drop on the 2GB memory sticks when these products hit shelves. But as our attentive readers have pointed out in the comments, the PSP doesn't currently support any storage media exceeding 4GB, so you can expect a firmware update to be released at about the same time as these new memory sticks to accomodate for the massive storage if Sony wants PSP users to snatch up the 8GB version.

Joooer... ta guay!!!
Pero yo no entiendo a Sony, para que las hace??? si la consola esta imposibilitada para meter juegos ni coasa??? lo hace solo para que tengamos MP3???
Tio! estas targetitas tambien sirven para las camaras, videocamaras, mp3, mobiles... SONY!

No solo estan hechas para la PSP!

para mi modo de ver son de excesiva capacidad y bueno uno piensa eso... y para que las hace sony si la psp..... jejejej
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