sony retrasa la salida de las memory hi-speed

sony ha retrasado la salida de las nuevas memorys que ivan a salir el 10 de febrero hasta el final de abril.

noticia original

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Noticia traducida rápidamente:

January 14th announcement

SONY, high-speed type memory stick PRO sale in April re-postponement

SONY announced that on the 14th, sale of the high-speed type memory stick PRO which plans the sale February 10th is postponed in late April. As for sale postponement of the same product 2nd

Becoming the object "memory stick PRO" (High Speed) capacity 256MB? 2GB and, "memory stick PRO duo" (High Speed) 256MB? 1GB entirely.

The same company "for the sake of for operation verification of the memory stick corresponding equipment, time above expecting is required memory stick PRO (High Speed), and the memory stick PRO duo (High Speed) in,", has done concerning the reason of sale postponement.

The memory stick PRO/PRO duo (High Speed), the product which actualizes data rate 10MB/sec. At the time of 2004 September announcement notiifying the sale October 8th. After that, we had assumed that it announces postponement on October 7th, sells on 2005 February 10th.

Memory stick PRO duo (High Speed)
uff pero cuanto valdra cada una?

Pues esa High Speed de 1 Gb estará fácilmente entre los 250 y los 300€.

Un saludo.
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