sony vuelve a relacionar: NINTENDO y NIÑERA en la misma frase

CNN Money recently sat down with Sony PlayStation CEO Jack Tretton to discuss the success of Sony's PlayStation 3, its struggles with pricing, and being in third place behind the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. It would seem the console wars are very much alive, not only with heated fanboy debates but with the guys at the very top of the organizations as Tretton talked some trash about his competitors' consoles.

"They're (Xbox 360 and Wii) starting to run out of steam now in terms of continuing to be relevant in 2011 and beyond," Tretton told CNN Money. "I mean, you've gotta be kidding me. Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it? How does this thing scale? Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I'm doing true accurate motion gaming?"

This is an odd statement since Sony PlayStation launched their own motion gaming controls with the PlayStation Move last year. As far as technology, Tretton repeated his mantra that the PlayStation "just hitting its stride." Sony has, indeed, been closing the gap with Microsoft's Xbox 360, though it's still only sold less than half the number of Wiis Nintendo has moved.

Speaking of Nintendo, Tretton had some very choice words when speaking about the Nintendo DS, the portable console that has always dominated Sony's PSP.

"Our view of the 'Game Boy experience' is that it's a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those," he says. "He's too old for that."

What do you think? Is Tretton stepping over the line or does he have the facts and the sales to back up his bold claims? Is there such a thing as too old to play the Nintendo DS?

Source: CNN Money

Sin comentarios... sony y su VIRAL MARKETING, al que tan acostumbrados nos tiene. A ver si aprenden a ganar honradamente y no echando mierdas sobre los demás.

Un saludo

BY DERHYUS.[chulito]
todo el mundo sabe que sólo los machotes de pelo en pecho pueden jugar con las consolas de sony.

Ahora en serio, que me explique entonces por qué las consolas de nintendo suelen tener un rango de edad de sus jugadores bastante mayor que las consolas de sony.
Y microsoft le gustaria ver:
Puro estilo Sony, no se donde está realmente la sorpresa. Todavía recuerdo el vídeo aquel de este E3 pasado donde el "humorista" (decían) hacía chistes estúpidos sobre la competencia... :-|

Un saludo.
nada nuevo bajo el sol

pepone1234 escribió:todo el mundo sabe que sólo los machotes de pelo en pecho pueden jugar con las consolas de sony.

Ahora en serio, que me explique entonces por qué las consolas de nintendo suelen tener un rango de edad de sus jugadores bastante mayor que las consolas de sony.

Porque somos niños grandes!! :)
Había entendido "Sony vuelve a reaccionar", pero veo que no.
Para niñera la que ellos necesitan porque se comportan como críos de pataleta.
Iba a criticar a Sony, pero me callo, no sea que me denuncie a mi y a todos los que me han leído.
Peklet escribió:Iba a criticar a Sony, pero me callo, no sea que me denuncie a mi y a todos los que me han leído.

Últimamente Sony no deja de echar mierda sobre los demás, cuando igual debería de preocuparse por qué falla en sus productos que hace que no todo el mundo tenga ya una PS3 (como todos teníamos una PS2).
No se van a deshacer de esa fama de prepotentes al fin y al cabo.
SangReal está baneado del subforo por "flamer"
DERHYUS escribió:
CNN Money recently sat down with Sony PlayStation CEO Jack Tretton to discuss the success of Sony's PlayStation 3, its struggles with pricing, and being in third place behind the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. It would seem the console wars are very much alive, not only with heated fanboy debates but with the guys at the very top of the organizations as Tretton talked some trash about his competitors' consoles.

"They're (Xbox 360 and Wii) starting to run out of steam now in terms of continuing to be relevant in 2011 and beyond," Tretton told CNN Money. "I mean, you've gotta be kidding me. Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it? How does this thing scale? Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I'm doing true accurate motion gaming?"

This is an odd statement since Sony PlayStation launched their own motion gaming controls with the PlayStation Move last year. As far as technology, Tretton repeated his mantra that the PlayStation "just hitting its stride." Sony has, indeed, been closing the gap with Microsoft's Xbox 360, though it's still only sold less than half the number of Wiis Nintendo has moved.

Speaking of Nintendo, Tretton had some very choice words when speaking about the Nintendo DS, the portable console that has always dominated Sony's PSP.

"Our view of the 'Game Boy experience' is that it's a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those," he says. "He's too old for that."

What do you think? Is Tretton stepping over the line or does he have the facts and the sales to back up his bold claims? Is there such a thing as too old to play the Nintendo DS?

Source: CNN Money

Sin comentarios... sony y su VIRAL MARKETING, al que tan acostumbrados nos tiene. A ver si aprenden a ganar honradamente y no echando mierdas sobre los demás.

Un saludo

BY DERHYUS.[chulito]

Mira quien habla de echar mierdas a los demas xddddddd
primeramente, creo que este idiota se tomo dos o tres vasos de hierva liquida... XD antes de decir eso:
"Why would I buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it? How does this thing scale? Motion gaming is cute, but if I can only wave my arms six inches, how does this really feel like I'm doing true accurate motion gaming?"

y por que no cojes tu consolador Move y te lo metes por tu xxxxxxx!!, que creo que se puede mover hasta mas de 7 pulgadas.

"Our view of the 'Game Boy experience' is that it's a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those," he says. "He's too old for that."

si claro la y la Move-experience solo lo utilizan las prosxxxxxxx.

poniendome en el tema, ese idiota tiene que entender que la PS3 no es un mercado para niños y ya que ellos no lo pueden hacer, pues dejaselo a otras compañias que hagan su trabajo.

PS: apuesto a que tiene un WiiMote de esos que se mueven a mas de 7 pulgadas en su casa.
Lo que pasa es que les pica que ese publico se lo este repartiendo Nintendo y M$ y ellos se esten comiendo los mocos :o
13 respuestas