Sound Keeper: Manteniendo la salida SPDIF siempre despierta

Sound Keeper es una una aplicacion que lo unioco que hace es evitar que la salida de audio digital SPDIF [la salida optica o la salida coaxial] entre en inactividad, para que siempre este lista para enviar el audio cuando se le selecciona como salida de audio. Requiere ponerse manualmente un icono de acceso directo en la capeta STARUP [inicio] de windows para que la aplicacion inicie junto con windows.

Es gratuita y es para windows 7 en adelante.

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Prevents SPDIF/HDMI digital audio playback devices from sleeping. Uses WASAPI, requires Windows 7+.
To enable autorun, copy soundkeeper.exe into the startup directory (to open it, press Win+R, enter shell:startup, press Enter). To close the program, just mute the Sound Keeper in the Volume Mixer or kill the soundkeeper.exe process.

- Sound Keeper is fully automatic and doesn't require any user interaction.
- Sound Keeper can keep sound on many sound outputs simultaneously (e.g. SPDIF and HDMI).
- Sound Keeper detects new sound outputs on the fly (e.g. when you connected a TV via HDMI).

- Default behavior can be changed by changing file name of the Sound Keeper executable.
- Primary audio output is used by default. Add All to executable file name to enable Sound Keeper on all outputs.
- Inaudible stream is used by default. Add Zero to executable file name to use stream of digital zeroes (like it was in v1.0.0).

If the default inaudible stream doesn't help, try the new Sine stream type. It generates a sine wave, and can be customized. There are two parameters: F (frequency) and A (amplitude). The value goes right after the parameter character. For example, add SineF10A5 to executable file name to generate 10Hz sine wave with 5% amplitude. Low frequencies (below 20Hz) and high frequencies (above 20000Hz) with low amplitude (up to 10%) are inaudible.
What's new in v1.3.1
- A potential deadlock when audio devices are being added or removed has been fixed.
- Fluctuate treats non-PCM output formats (like Dolby Atmos) as 24-bit instead of 16-bit.
- Frequency parameter F is limited by half of current sample rate to avoid generation of unexpected noise.
- More detailed logs in debug build. Debug output is flushed immediately, so it can be redirected to a file.
@pulupul pues para que si tienes el equipo configurado para realizar cualquier tarea como retransmitir video o juegos o lo que sea, no se deshablilite automaticamente la salida por no usarla, para eso es.
O en la captura de audio al vuelo y poder editarlo y modificarlo y grabarlo en directo.
What's new in v1.3.2
- Fluctuate treats 32-bit PCM output format as 24-bit since WASAPI reports 24-bit as 32-bit for some reason.
- Fluctuate generates 50 fluctuations per second by default. It helps in many more cases.
- Sound Keeper doesn't exit when it is muted.

All supported stream types:
- OpenOnly opens audio output, but doesn't stream anything. Sometimes it helps if it's a driver only issue.
- Zero plays stream of zeroes. It may be not enough for some hardware.
- Fluctuate plays stream of zeroes with the smallest non-zero samples once in a second. Used by default.
- Sine plays 1Hz sine wave at 1% volume. The frequency and amplitude can be changed. Useful for analog outputs.
- White, Brown, or Pink play named noise, with the same parameters as the sine (except frequency).
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