Muy muerto esta el hilo a falta de 1 día para que empiece la ceremonia y toda la parafernalia
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, por cierto Leman Rush, esta confirmado que el Dead Space 2 no estará presente en el show por el propio Geoff Keighley, lo digo mas que nada para que no se pongan mas cosas sobre el juego y se quite de la primera pagina porque luego hay confusiones y estaremos esperando cosas que no van a salir.
Aquí os dejo lo mas importante que ha dicho el experto en crear "hype" Geoff Keighley en un articulo recién publicado sobre los VGA 2009, en el responde a algunas preguntas y confirma varios detalles de la ceremonia, entre otras cosas lo anteriormente citado del Dead Space 2.
One reveal you won't be seeing, as some have guessed, is the recently announced Dead Space 2. Keighley quickly put his foot down on that one saying "it's not at the show and wasn't planned to be at the show."
He promises "more than 12" exclusives, including all new footage of Ruffian's Crackdown 2, a new Star Wars title, and at least two games Spike can't even hint at.
Halo Reach. UFC 2010 Undisputed. Tron. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Electronic Art's Medal of Honor reboot. That's only five of the games that will make their world premiere at the Spike 2009 Video Game Awards
"We definitely have some pretty major surprises still to come," he tells me. "Essentially, the biggest thing in the show hasn't even been announced yet."
The Halo Reach reveal at the Spike VGAs is set to blow people away. Clocking in at two minutes and thirty seconds, it's "basically the opening of the game," and will give gamers the first look at the Halo Reach engine running in real-time.
Epic would be revealed Gears of War 3? "What I can say on that, there are some I can't confirm or deny. What I can say is that I think some people saw our original publisher list and were speculating what games could be a part of that."
Actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be on hand to introduce an exclusive clip from the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time film