Spin Pong para PS3

Clásico juego de pong con físicma, curioso xDDD

Spin Pong is an fun and addictive 2-player Pong game for PS3, with some interesting physics and stereo sound.
This was coded using only a retail unit, using logging over UDP.
I used the guide from:
http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-guide ... 12755.html
Thanks go to internetfloozy.
Download latest version from:
Use left analog stick up/down to move paddles.
Press X to signal that you are ready. Both players need to signal ready before game starts.
Press START to signal that you want a game reset. Both players need to signal wants-reset before game starts.
I built this with the 1.92 SDK on windows with msys. Just do this:
- cd <directory>
- build.bat
- you now have spinpong.pkg
- install as usual
For homebrew developers check out Log.h/Log.cpp for code to log over network.
To view the logs, use:
$ socat udp-recv:6160 stdout
Sounds are converted from .wav to .raw using:
for i in *.wav; do sox -V -S $i -r 48000 -e float -b 32 -c 1 -B $i.raw; done
because i was too lazy to code a wav loader.

Source: http://github.com/apanloco/SpinPong
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