› Foros › PlayStation 3 › Carga de backups
naysin escribió:Alguien ha hecho correr este Backup? Busque por internet la solucion y encontre en varios foros que se solucionaba el problema del Disco Sucio o Danado con el Multiman en su version 1.15.00, lo intente pero no dio resultadosHe testeado con el Rogero Manager y Gaia Manager en sus mas nuevas versiones pero me sigue apareciendo el mismo error. Un alma caritativa que no me diga "Utiliza el buscador" (Por que ya lo hice), que me de informacion sobre si lo esta jugando, y con cuales Managers respectivamente u__U. Estoy en CFW de Kmeaw.
Un saludo y muchas gracias!
It worked in multiman.
This time i did like this:
First i ran the game until it said bad disc, then i started ftp and deleted the folder "packages" in //dev_hdd0/game//BLES00024/USRDIR/, then transfered the content in USRDIR from full game (offline, packages, systemonline, sc4_online.self, EBOOT.BIN) to the same direction, then deleted eboot.bin and replaced the two files (sc4_online.self and sc4_offline.self in folder offline), all of this changes are in the same directory //dev_hdd0/game//BLES00024/USRDIR/
My ps3 is a fat 40 gb, hermes cfw 3.41, payload 4d, and now multiman as manager.
The game is 6.16 gb and contains 51 directories and 1317 files.
I started the game from App_home/PS3_GAME folder.
I hope that will let you start up the game.
This worked:
i have 3.55 kmeaw FW + multiman 1.15 and splinter cell DA installed on external disk
multiman you must start game with select + X ( BD emulation on) (and any original game disk must be in drive) then you start game from cd icon
thats it
Also with above method i can play Sega Megadrive Ultimate Collection and Pure !