No se muy bien si saldrá una versión GC, de hecho Ubi Soft tp lo sabe muy bien pero he encontrado en GA unas interesantes impresiones del puerto PS2 que dejarán a más de uno sorprendido.
Por lo que se ve el puerto es bueno, muy bueno.
He aquí lo que he encontrado:
>>Was playing a beta in the office yesterday, Chinese Embassy level. As a person who loved the Xbox version, I found the PS2 version to be surprisingly really, really good. Jaggies abound, but PS2 owners won't really care about them. It's the little graphical shortcuts that I found interesting. For instance, with the infra-red vision, the Xbox version simply puts a filter over the whole picture to create the image; whereas the PS2 version re-renders the entire image in infra-red colors, so the clarity and definitions of objects in the image actually looks slightly clearer.
Lighting effects are obviously not as good, but here and there they've worked in the occasional spot effect like light pouring in through a window etc, and it looks pretty good. They've even got cool little things like smoke wafting through the air.
One thing I did like about about the PS2 version over the Xbox version is the improved interface. They're mostly commonsense changes/additions, like being able to toggle quickly through weapons/items without going to that cumbersome menu screen, and how one of the automatic options when approaching the door is to use the snakey camera thing.
Anyway, only played it for around 45 minutes, but came away quite surprised. Has anyone else tested it out yet?