Ss-v Confirmado!!

I just had a nice chat session with My bud Triuemenator.

We all know Triuemenator is dead on with his information.

Since I have known him he has not been wrong yet. . . ever.

That being said, he just told me Samurai Shodown V is in the early developmental stages and will, with certainty, be released next year.

That, sadly, is all the information that is available. Characters, numbers of players, any prospective changes to the game mechanics or any additional information other than what I have printed is not known at this time.

Nonetheless, to quote FeelGood, "my sex just fell out."

Take it to the bank, folks.

How cool is this?


Que puedo decir... QUIERO FOTOS YA !!! [Ooooo]
In chatting with Triue, he had said that his personal wish was for MotW2, but that Samurai Shodown had a lot more name recognition and was more popular.

This would be bourn out by the fact that Aruze thought it a good move to plaster Haohmaru (evidently in violation of copyright, if you believe in the lawsuit) all over one of their new pachinko machines a couple years ago.

Also, if online play is any judge, Haohmaru is one of the most popular players in Capcom Vs SNK. And, in hindsight, it doesn't appear that including Earthquake in the new SNK Vs Capcom: Chaos is a fluke either.

Looking at all these factors, I think Playmore is doing a great job rebuilding their brands and franchises. Not to mention, trying to create new ones (RotD, followed by the inclusion of some RotD characters in Matrimelee). It looks like maybe there are some marketing savvy people finally working with SNK properties!

That is almost more surprising than Samurai Shodown V popping up on the radar.
Also, if online play is any judge, Haohmaru is one of the most popular players in Capcom Vs SNK.

Nosajodio, esque el tio de 3 tajos te ha matado. No creo que tenga que ver mucho con su carisma. [+risas]
joder a mi lo q me toca la polla es q prefieran hacer un ff5 a un motw2,solo xq el 1º es mas comercialmente conocido [mamaaaaa]


bueno,el caso es q snk vs. capcom y metal slug 5 no van a ser los ultimos juegos q salgan para NEO-GEO,y eso es una buena noticia [oki]

Escrito originalmente por magopajas
bueno,el caso es q snk vs. capcom y metal slug 5 no van a ser los ultimos juegos q salgan para NEO-GEO,y eso es una buena noticia [oki]

no se si te refieres a q playmore va a dejar de desarrollar juegos o q los proximos juegos van a salir en otras plataformas
me refiero a q samurai spirits 5 está en fase de desarrollo.

de ahí el título del hilo.

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