Primer video ingame
Resumen de la confe:
-Some of the ships looked totally new, and awesome
-Hiring STAR TREK writer to assist with the game is a huge bonus
-The level of dedication to 'get it right' is obvious and impressive
-The CHANCE of it all being in 'One Universe/server'
-The fact that a person's 'career path/specialization' is taken into consideration and is part of being a Captain
-'Surprise Events' such as a sudden Borg invasion of a system, having to rally and fight them out
-Space combat looked very fun
-Ground combat looks like it could use some work, but I hope they're both more twitch gaming style rather than clicking icons
-You don't have to spend a bajillion hours playing to have fun/be competitive
-Exploration is going to be a big deal
-A whole lot more I won't bother going into, I'll just say hat's off to ya and I'm looking forward to learning a lot more
Por cierto, saldrá en PC y 360.