dout15 escribió:ami no me deja restablecer la contraseña de la cuenta robada que ago??
me enviaron un correo con una key la pongo pero me dice que usurio no es conpatioble y y no puedo recuperara
Hola pedi una cuenta que robaron a un amigo.La pedi y me llego el correo diciendome esto:
Please do not reply to this email. This email has been sent by a machine, replies will not be read.
Someone (hopefully you) has requested to reset your password at the Steam Support helpdesk. If you did not request this reset, please ignore this message.
To reset your password, please visit the following page: por un kodigo ke no puedo desir)
If asked, your password reset key is

codigo no lo digo)
When you visit the above page (which you must do within 24 hours), you will be prompted to enter a new password. After you have submitted the form, you can log in normally using the new password you set.
The IP address of the person requesting this password reset is:(una direccion IP).
y lueho cuendo me meto a restablecerla pongo nueva pass y no me deja me pone esto:
* The username and reset key do not match. Please check the reset email you received.
* It has been more than 24 hours since a reset was requested. Please request a new reset key.
ayudaa si no lo entendies volvere a explicarlo esque no se explicarme pero ayuda