COÑOOO, despues de haber sido elegido como beta tester del live.... por lo visto tb tengo posibilidades de serlo con el Steel Batallion Line of Contact!! Ueeee ya me registre... a ver si hai suerte
Le tengo unas ganas q pa ke!!
P.D. Alguien le han mandado el mail este??
Hey Capcom fans,
We would like to welcome you to apply for our Steel Battalion Line of Contact Beta Test.
To enter, you will need to fill out the details on the following pages, so click the 'REGISTER' button to begin.
After carefully considering these factors, we will select 100 names to actually participate in the Beta Test.
This will be a TEST and players may find performance issues that will be addressed before the final release. The purpose of this test is to report these issues so that we can address them prior to the release of the game.
You can help us out by reporting any problems you experience with the online TEST to us. So, if you have any questions, comments, or find bugs, please e-mail: ******
We are unable to provide customer support for players that play the TEST. Please do NOT call or email Capcom Customer Support with any problems, as they will be unable to help you. Please DO let us know about the problems by emailing us at: *****
Despues de sufrir para encontrar el juego ya es mio, tengo el disco del beta test, me he conectado online, pero hay un problema.... el Rick Blanco me envia las claves para entrar en la web y postear los fallos pero no me ha dicho la dire de esta!! . Algun beta Tester q me eche un cable y me la pase por privado??
Thanks!! Esta noche me conecto.... temblad VT's
P.D. Hay por ahi alguna lista de users españoles para añadirlos??