POs eso, en Ign ya han analizado el juego, aqui pono lo principal:
Closing Comments
I love RPGs and am a big fan of traditional roleplaying games. Chrono Trigger, any Final Fantasy game, Golden Sun -- these are games that feature a lot of combat, a lot of story, puzzle elements, and good endings. They aren't secret games people don't know about. If you're gonna make an RPG, these are the type of games you play, that you learn from. Sudeki isn't among the elite RPGs. It isn't Baldur's Gate, either, because there's far too little combat mixed with a lot of very slow-paced story elements that don't really go far enough. If you are an RPG fan, get this game anyway. Why? Because you need something to tide you over until the fall, when several more RPGs arrive. You'll play Sudeki to its conclusion (which took me only 17 hours, with no reason to play again) and you'll probably like (but not love) it. It's a snack before the feast.
Sudeki is good, but it's not great, and with big guns like KOTOR II, Fable, Jade Empire on the way, this is one RPG that will likely be forgotten before the year is over. Still, there aren't many Xbox games to play this summer. Get it now and you'll have it beaten well before the arrival of Fable in September.
7.0 Presentation
The storytelling isn't all that strong, though the story itself is interesting. The overall design choices are sometimes questionable, but the world is unique unto itself.
8.0 Graphics
Self-shadowing, a usually solid framerate, and some nice lighting effects. This is certainly the most colorful RPG on Xbox. Great environments.
7.0 Sound
Overall good voice acting with a variety of European accents. Some of the dialogue is a bit weak. A strong score accentuates the more dramatic combat moments.
8.0 Gameplay
The combat system is my favorite among action RPGs, especially once you hit the halfway point. The in-town stuff and "puzzles" aren't so hot.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
Relatively short for an RPG, the enticing replay elements like unlockable characters and a fishing mini-game have been dropped. Reason to play again? None.
(out of 10 / not an average)
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