Disculpad que no traduzca, estoy en el hospital ahora mismo con un familiar y no me queda ni una gota de energía.
UPDATE : 10-01-2018
Hello Everyone,
We got the first lot of pcbs from factory today, next week we will get even more.
So, those are the final pcbs factory soldered

We were able to program 32 units today (program, validate, assemble into the shells (this picture was talken while we were doing the shells assembly)

So, the good news are :
Pcbs look pretty aswesome.
We tried 32 and 0 errors.
We are ready to ship
There are two small things pending to arrive:
a) double side adhesive tape to glue the boxes.
b) brown cardbox to protect the Super SD System 3 cardbox.
Both things are going to be delivered tomorrow.
So : i think we may be able to ship some units tomorrow, worst scenario friday.
I am happy to anounce :
Again i am going to ask for one thing :
Don´t email asking when your order is going to ship, we don´t know and we are not going to answer those cause we have a lot of work to deliver and ratter we spend our time delivering ratter than answering when are we going to deliver.
I think it will take us about 3 weeks to be up to date with current orders, but we are selling a good number of units, so everyone i going to have patience .
I hope you guys understand that, we are doing our best to get as many units as possible shipped.
BTW we are super excited to see your coments about our work, guys.