TDK anuncia el desarrollo de discos Blu-ray de 200 gb

TDK announces Blue-Laser Disc Technology to support 200GB capacity

Media Pioneer Achieves Massive Capabilities for High Definition Blue-Laser Technology

Germany, Ratingen, August 31, 2006 – TDK, a world leader in digital recording solutions, has reached a landmark in the development of recordable Blue-Laser technology, achieving a groundbreaking capacity of 200GB. Surpassing existing optical media technologies several times over, a 200GB Blue-Laser Disc would double the capacity of TDK’s existing 100GB Blu-ray prototype. One of TDK’s new 200GB Blue-Laser Discs could store approximately 18 hours of high definition video (encoded at 24Mbps).

The initial Blu-ray Disc standard allows for 25GB single layer Blu-ray Discs and 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Discs. However, the latest signal processing innovation stretches the physical limits of optical media, holding 33.3GB on each of the disc’s six layers. As with the 100GB disc, and other Blu-ray Disc media, TDK’s 200GB Blue-Laser Disc is single sided.

Taro Ikushima, Product Manager Commercial Products Europe, said: “The ultra-ambitious technology roadmap for Blu-ray has now been confirmed as realistic, with landmarks such as this proving the long term value of the format against its rivals. TDK was the first to develop a prototype 100GB recordable Blu-ray Disc, and yet again, our landmark achievement in creating a 200GB disc further cements the company’s position as a true pioneer in advancing the capabilities of optical media.”

TDK Sets The Standard For Blu-ray Disc’s Future

TDK’s research and development into new technologies is bringing new possibilities to next generation optical media specifications and performance. The company’s advanced material technology was influential in playing a key role in enabling the creation of the 200GB Blue-Laser Disc development. The company’s 100GB prototype disc uses four layers of 25GB to reach 100GB capacity. For the most recent 200GB technology development, TDK has stretched the physical margins of the Blu-ray Disc format to hold up to 33,3GB per layer while staying within the tolerances of the BD playback specifications.

TDK Advancements Unlock Blu-ray Disc’s Potential

TDK technologies are redefining state-of-the-art optical media specifications and performance. The company’s advanced material technology played a key role in enabling the creation of the 200GB Blue-Laser Disc. Additionally, TDK’s new inorganic film formulation provides absolute stability with narrow track pitches and high recording densities, such as those employed by the Blu-ray Disc format. The formulation’s optical qualities are so stable that TDK has already been able to achieve 6x (216Mbps) recording speed on a 25GB write-once Blu-ray Disc prototype.

TDK Technologies Make Bare Blu-ray Disc a Reality

Because Blu-ray Disc media’s data tracks are quite narrow even in comparison with DVD media, precise, stable interaction between the laser and the recording material is especially critical to ensuring error-free recording and playback. That’s why TDK developed DURABIS, an innovative hard coating technology that makes bare Blu-ray Disc media a reality by protecting the disc surface against common contaminants such as scratches and fingerprints.

DURABIS increases the scratch resistance of Blu-ray Disc media by a factor of 100 in comparison with non treated disc surface, as demonstrated in rigorous testing. Because the DURABIS coating technology rapidly discharges static electricity, the discs also resist the accumulation of dust.

Specially formulated for Blu-ray Disc media, DURABIS2 is a hard coating technology. TDK pioneered hard coating technology, and its DURABIS2 is the ultimate protective coating for Blu-ray Discs.

As a member of the Blu-ray Disc Association Board of Directors, TDK has played a key role in the development of Blu-ray, the next generation optical media format that will not only change the way we experience home entertainment and computing, but will also create unprecedented business efficiencies.
Si, lo lei esta mañana. 6 capas a 33 gigas por capa.

Ahora viene la gracia. No existe reproductor que pueda leeer eso xDDDD
TDK has stretched the physical margins of the Blu-ray Disc format to hold up to 33,3GB per layer while staying within the tolerances of the BD playback specifications.

Vale, entonces entendí esto mal; deduje que mantenerse dentro de las especificaciones de reproducción del formato hacía que fueran legibles en todos los reproductores.
Poca salida van a tener si no es compatible con los reproductores de blu-ray ni grabadoras, y eso que aun no han salido.
Me da que en los próximos 10 años se va a producir una invasión de distintos formatos no todos compatibles entre sí que no se va a limitar únicamente a BluRay y HDDVD.
Tras TDK, el siguiente fabricante en pensar en los discos Blu Ray de 200 GB ha sido Maxell, que tiene pensado presentarlos para 2009.

Esta capacidad la conseguirán con 8 capas por una sola cara, que superará ampliamente la capacidad de 50 GB de los discos Blu Ray actuales, que si ya son difíciles de llenar, imaginaos uno de 200 GB.

La pregunta sería si para esas fecha no habrá salido un soporte mejor que el de los discos Blu Ray, como por ejemplo económicas y reducidas memorias flash con una serie de lectores y grabadores de acompañamiento.
Estoy cansado de tener que utilizar discos ópticos. Prefiero tarjetas de memória ya que son mas fáciles de llevar y mas rápidas de grabar.
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