Tengo dudas con carcasa Icedcube

Sobre el cierre del foro

Durante más de dos décadas, la pasión por exprimir al máximo el potencial de las videoconsolas ha sido una parte fundamental de EOL. Sin embargo, la masificación del juego en línea (que impide la modificación de la consola para otros usos) y la proliferación de multitud de dispositivos como portátiles de uso general y media centers han ido relegando la scene a un papel más secundario.

En este contexto y, tras ser advertidos de que el contenido de numerosos hilos del foro podría infringir los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial de terceros y analizar con nuestro servicio jurídico la situación, hemos decidido cerrar el foro. En consecuencia, tampoco se podrán volver a tratar los contenidos de este foro en otros foros de temática general.
Como no encuentro mini dvd's por ninguna parte he decidido que ya es hora de "tunear" mi cubito con una nueva carcasa.

He leido la review pero no me convence que no se pueda cambiar el jewel y que no haya espacio para el led por lo que he visto otro tipo de carcasa, la "IcedCube" que parece que si lo admite.

¿Alguien tiene esta carcasa? He visto fotos, pero no veo el hueco para el led y pone "Do not open when reading". Oooh


- Incluye Power / Status LED's
- Asa trasera desmontable
- Incluye USB / Serial Sockets
- Replaceable Jewel / Custom Jewel Designs
- Poceso de fabricación de alta calidad - no "made in China"
- Carcasa completa - no solo parte superior como otras carcasas. Reemplaza por completo la carcasa original
- Incluye GC jewel Con logo 'ICEDCUBE'

¿Es realmente así? Por otra parte, ¿esas pegatinas de "Icecubed" se podrán quitar, ¿no?

A ver si alguien nos puede comentar esta carcasa porque he buscado por el foro y no encuentro nada y estoy considerando comprármela.

Un saludo y gracias de antemano.
Puede que sea muy nueva todavia, pero ahora yo creo que es una buena opción ya que trae parte de abajo también.. si quires que se vean los leds de recomiendo que te piyes la transparente que tienen, y si las pegatinas se pueden quitar y también se puede reemplazar el jewel...


PD: Para lo de los leds... IcedCube Case *Crystal*
Bueno he encontrado un video de cómo se monta y el resultado final, así como una review. Lo único que no me gusta es el led, había pensando en una carcasa naranja transparente pero si la luz ya es naranja no se va a distinguir, tendré que cambiarla por una azul [+risas] . Cosas que me han gustado: El hueco para el programador, la suavidad con que se abre la tapa y la facilidad para sacar y meter los dvd's. Os recomiendo que veais el video:


Review of TeamXecuter’s ICEDCUBE
Game Cube Case Replacement
Manufacturer: http://www.TeamXecuter.com
Been a couple of weeks since my last review for GamersReports.com, and I had the itch to write again. :)

For awhile now, TeamXecuter have been sending pre production samples of their new ICEDCUBE GameCube Shell. It’s been an interesting experience looking at different versions of the shell as it come up the process from preliminary prototype to final Production model. I can say one thing, TeamXecuter takes their time, and doesn’t rush a product to market. At times, it was almost agonizingly slow, waiting to see how they were going to overcome design issues. They had a few.. but that is what the process was for.

Shortly after my last review, TeamXecuter sent a Final Production sample of their new ICEDCUBE Game Cube Shell Replacement. The Final Production model, was a thing of beauty, with some interesting design changes. For one thing, it is a FULL case replacement. This isn’t just the top, you get the top, bottom, and rear panels, as well as all the compartment covers. In Addition, you get Stickers for the rear panel, a sweet looking ICEDCUBE jewel for the top, and some other ICEDCUBE stickers including the Laser warning sticker.

Now top to bottom the Game Cube will have a consistent new look.

Some of the common complaints about other Game Cube Shells on the market, is the quality of plastic used. Other issues, are the small or non existent area to safely place your thumb to aid in the removal of the disc. Other issues, have been the placement of mold points, or posts in the interior of the shell that would need to be removed by the end user to make for a proper fit. (shame on manufacturers who don’t test their products properly)

The Xecuter ICEDCUBE, have non of these issues. In fact, it goes beyond fixing issues that have plagued other products currently on the market. They have improved on some good ideas. This happens a lot, Xecuter might not always be the first with an idea, but then they turn around, grab an idea, run with it and give us back something better.

Some of the current GC shells on the market have some space to allow for your thumb to aid in the removal of discs. One problem with any shell with a lid that opens 45 or so degrees, is can you get your hands in there and get those discs in and out. All the current shells on the market do that well enough.. however, Xecuter found a better method that required a radical change in thought and concept. Instead of making the classic cover all lid common on stock shells, and on the current competing shells, Xecuter made a sexy lower lip that recesses enough to allow you to clearly place your thumb. It might not sound like much, but it is a vast improvement over the Hush and Xtender designs.

When you look at the top of the ICEDCUBE, you’ll notice that this isn’t like all the others on the market. For one thing, it’s not flat or “square” on top. There is a nice slight curve to the top. Clearly, a sign that they took the stock design, and went somewhere new with it. The center of the lid, features a space for their ICEDCUBE jewel, or alternately, you can come up with your own Jewel. For this review I had a unit with a clear Jewel, and their awesome looking ICEDCUBE Jewel, and word is there might be some Xecuter made, or 3rd party Jewel options shortly.

Moving on, like buying a car, you’ve got to kick the tires and actually test the unit. Buttons work and feel as they should. Using the open button is a treat on this shell. The tension of the spring, with the resistance wheels Xecuter has used, allow for the lid to open slowly and controlled. As opposed, to other units on the market that fly open and even bounce. (bounce = bad) Some people may not notice or care about that feature, but it is a sign of care, thought, and quality. Xecuter cares, and to show it they give you a warning sticker to place on the lid reminding users to be careful, not to open the shell while reading (as the GC does have a laser..)

Xecuter, didn’t stop there when coming up with unique or innovative design ideas for this shell. They know some people want their modded Game Cube to be complete, including the LPT flasher. Xecuter, actually found just enough space to squeeze that puppy in ther. It took some modification of the rear panel, but as you can see, Xecuter went to town on most of the panels that comprise the ICEDCUBE. The LPT flasher is easily installed to the rear panel using it’s own 2 screws. Then, it’s just a simple matter of playing hide the snake with the flexible cable that connect the flasher to the chip.

Below the Flasher unit, is a hole that accommodates all models of Game Cube, whether you are like me with a DOL-101 with just the standard Analog AV Out, or you have the other style that also had a Digital AV Out. Xecuter gives you two plates to cover that hole that are a good fit to your video out connector(s). Below that, is a bulge I can’t determine a use for. I can only assume it’s for the units with the second video out port.

One thing I noticed, is how true the fit is. With the other shell review, I noted the slight flex needed to make a fit. That isn’t the case here. The plastic of this ICEDCUBE seems more rigid, and the mold/cut is definitely more true. They fit together cleanly and smoothly.

This isn’t a hard install, but it is time consuming, especially if you haven’t done it before, or if you did and put every single screw back in. When I last had my Cube opened, I only put back the screws necessary to keep it solid and functional. One thing you’ll have to do, is remove the heat sink from the motherboard of the GC. When I had originally chipped my GC, I didn’t need to remove the motherboard, and didn’t know that when you disassemble this bugger, the last 2 screws, are hidden, under the Heat sink.

Something I didn’t think of at the time while testing this, was that once I had the Heat sink off, I probably should have cleaned it and applied some new thermal paste. The Cube only hade some on the GPU and not the CPU. Go figure. Anyways.. watch the video below, and you’ll see the process of installing the ICEDCUBE. I really don’t have anything bad to say about it.. which for me is a bit rare, and I’m pretty picky and can find flaws or issues with most things that come across my desk.

So.. here’s the round up on the ICEDCUBE

- Price, especially considering this is a full Case Replacement
- Fit
- Style
- Front Lip
- LPT Flasher spot
- Rear panels accommodates ALL Game Cube Models
- Variety of colors available
- Customizable and replaceable Jewel.

- Time it takes you to unscrew and disassemble the old shell/console
- Doesn’t come with disco lights…

I had to write something bad. Some sort of optional lighting would be cool though. Clear/translucent models are definitely a modder\'s dream. :)

I don’t like reading perfect reviews. I don’t like writing them either. I personally don’t trust a perfect review. When I read a perfect review.. I think one of two things, the reviewer is on the take, or the reviewer didn’t actually review the product. I’ve seen both those situations on that other Console site that is cluttered with a dozen flat rate ads, and claims to write a review, and give you usually Max 3 paragraphs of regurgitated hype from the manufacturer.

At GamersReports.com we try to give you more sizzle with your bacon. That means more details, more photos, and more video, and honest opinions and comments so that you can make an informed choice. All.. on an independent site not cluttered with ugly ads.

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Un saludo.
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