pues aki teneis la nueva version de el mejor emu y que siga, un saludo y a disfrutarlo
nueva version 0.9.1 con algunos bugs corregidos, ahora ya funcionan samurai shodown 3 y aof2 y 3 entre otros, un saludo
aki os dejo el
enlace neocd 0.9.1
dentro de poco incorporara los famosos y tan esperados saves estates.
copio y pego
Version 0.9
hanges for 0.8_U2 (by camiyu1) :
- Added L trigger and R trigger function to configure key combination.
(Default : old behaviour, and you can change it in menu)
(If you want to enter menu, press L+select simultaneously and if you want to
take snapshot, press R+select simultaneously - this replaces old "select
- Changed some default values :
CPU clock - 333, Screen - Zoom1, Frameskip - Auto, Region - USA
Radius :
- Better centering of confirmation dialogs
- Fixed pressing ltrigger in main menu, or rtrigger in font selector
- Added title "Font selector"
- Changed the tabs drawing
- Fixed auto-repeat of keys in file browser
ZeLurker :
- fixed the stupid incompatibility in sceGuScissor with psp sdks more recent
than 27/12/2005. It should allow to compile neocdpsp with any sdk now.
(thanks to camiyu1 for spotting the problem !)
- Fix for the famous raster interrupt of the previous version : the 85%
speed of art of fighting is now working, and there is a special case to
make neo drift out to work correctly. This also fixes Samurai shodown 3.
This created actually less bugs than what I feared.
- Fixed the mp3 music not resuming in aero fighters 3 (very special case).
Actually this is a genral fix for the mp3s so this might affect some other
games too, but in the good way.
- Replaced "Sound Enable" in the menu by "Sound volume"
- Added a file cache, which avoids to load already loaded files (samurai
spirits rpg tries 10% of the time to load files which are already loaded!)
- Changed completely the way the neocd emulator loads its game files. The
patch.prg file previously needed for "samurai spirits rpg" becomes useless.
Just delete it if it's still in your neocdpsp directory ! This fixes at
least the sound in samurai spirits rpg, and the music is now playing at
the begining of "puzzled"
This also allows to fix 90% of the upload area problems. The only game
I could find which is still broken with this area is "neo geo cdspecial",
and I made a special case for it. It's a potential for lots of new bugs,
but apparently everyting is fine or better than before now !
y la descarga
neocdpsp-0.9 un saludo neopsperos