Review IGN...deja mucho que desear......
8.5 Presentation
Better presented than before. More modes, easier to follow menus, and good save checkpoint locations.
8.5 Graphics
Good, solid models and textures. The speedy framerate take a big hit during explosions, though, and aliasing occurs in all three versions.
8.0 Sound
The NPC voice actors are all pretty good. A better than average set of sound effects and musical selections.
9.0 Gameplay
The simplistic, short, and easy-to-beat single-player campaign is lacking, but the multiplayer game is tremendously good fun. Lots of personality and charm in this one.
9.5 Lasting Appeal
Superb online fun; great four-player split-screen multplayer matches, too. The mapmaker is deep and sophisticated.
(out of 10 / not an average)