Todavía se pueden pasar demos de ds desde la wii?

DS/Wii Connectivity (Or More a Lack Thereof)

The ability to wirelessly link the Nintendo DS and Wii greatly excited me when first announced. After unique multiplayer experiences on the GCN/GBA in games like The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, I thought for sure we’d see the feature put to good use. I even hoped for quirky extras like the Tingle Tuner in The Wind Waker. With no cables needed, and a backlit screen on the DS (I only ever had the original GBA), I couldn't wait for the multiplayer games to come rolling in.

Instead, little to nothing came of it. What features we did get turned out to be mostly trivial.

-Pokémon Battle Revolution for Wii features the ability to transfer your Diamond or Pearl info to the game. You can also optionally use the DS as a controller in multiplayer.

-The WiiWare game My Pokémon Ranch lets you transfer and store Pokémon from the DS games.

-You can unlock your Animal Crossing: Wild World catalog in City Folk.

-The DS and Wii versions of FFCC: Echoes of Time have compatible multiplayer modes.

-The DS and Wii versions of Geometry Wars can link to unlock another galaxy.

-The DS and Wii versions of Batman: The Brave and the Bold link to let you control the Bat-Mite. (Thanks to McNum for pointing this one out!)

-The latest Guitar and Band Hero games have exclusive modes that use the DS connection. (Thanks to donny2112 and fernoca; I didn't have any idea about that one or what was involved.)

-WarioWare D.I.Y. and Jam with the Band had special Wii channels.

-Personal Trainer: Walking lets you transfer your Mii from the Wii into the DS game. This feature could probably be used for other games, if developers chose to implement it.

-You can download DS game demos from the Wii’s Nintendo Channel. You can also fill out a recommendation for any game cartridge currently in the DS system.

Surely (as huge as DS and Wii sales have been) Nintendo didn’t think getting the proper components together would be too much of a problem again, did they?

Tampoco ha habido gran conectividad de la 3ds a la WiiU o a la Switch. No?
@Microfil de 3DS a WiiU que yo sepa, sólo un par de juegos que permiten usar la 3DS para jugar en la consola (Monster Hunter 3 y Smash Bros). Con Switch ahora mismo está en fase alpha donde sólo le faltaba traer los menus en formato ms-dos; no sé como ha podido vender tanto con sólo un juego bueno XD

Ahora mismo no tiene ni navegador de internet, ni consola virtual, ni app de video streaming, ni compatibilidad con otros mandos, ni graba video.

Todo está prometido de cara el futuro en actualizaciones claro, pero por ejemplo sobre compatibilidad con mandos anteriores sólo dijeron que iban a estudiar la compatibilidad; pero sin decir de que mandos ni nada.
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